Shrub - a capital drink.

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Brought the shrub I made to Moon of the Crow and it well liked by all!!
It made one and a half rotations around the campfire exactly before the 1.5 liter bottle went dry!!
Will definitely refine my methods and make more!
Good to hear!
I find it to be a very popular drink and enjoy sampling the various batches made by the different people I know - so much variety and subtleties in flavor.
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If your zest included a lot of the white pith under the yellow skin, the infusion will have a sharp taste. You only need the top thin layer of rind to provide the flavor. If you use cheap grappa as the liquor, that flavor can detract from the lemon flavor. Ever clear makes for a drink that is too strong for drinking unless an equal amount of water is used. Vodka imparts the least added flavor and has an alcohol level that is sippable.
Ever clear makes for a drink that is too strong for drinking unless an equal amount of water is used.
Once the extract is diluted with the simple syrup, the alcohol is ~80 proof or 40% alcohol. Considering the amount one SIPS/drinks at a sitting is approximately that contained in a shot glass, it isn't excessive.
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Let's focus on the most significant part of this exchange - the SHRUB. We can agree that more is better, regardless of the container or method of assessing volume.
Let's focus on the most significant part of this exchange - the SHRUB. We can agree that more is better, regardless of the container or method of assessing volume.
I'll [hic] drink to [hic] that.

(Right now I'm looking at the bubbles in a jug of simple cider, thinking, "Hurry up, damn you!")
They were a might sloppy with measurements back then. While they didn’t have the liter they had everything else, and every area had its own.
And lt, qt, gal, jack, Gill, and on and on all represent handy sizes of fluid.
Bring me a liter of shrub and I’ll drink it by the jack.... and smoke a carrot of tobacco on the side:)
They were a might sloppy with measurements back then. While they didn’t have the liter they had everything else, and every area had its own.
And lt, qt, gal, jack, Gill, and on and on all represent handy sizes of fluid.
Bring me a liter of shrub and I’ll drink it by the jack.... and smoke a carrot of tobacco on the side:)
"The litre was introduced in France in 1795 as one of the new "republican units of measurement" and defined as one cubic decimetre.[11] One litre of liquid water has a mass of almost exactly one kilogram, due to the gram being defined in 1795 as one cubic centimetre of water at the temperature of melting ice.[4] The original decimetre length was 44.344 lignes, which was revised in 1798 to 44.3296 lignes. This made the original litre 1.000974 of today's cubic decimetre. It was against this litre that the kilogram was constructed."
Isn't rum just vodka made from sugar instead of grain. ?
True rum is made from Molasses or sugarcane squeezings.
I don't know enough about Vodka to know if it was even available in the Colonies until (relatively) recently.

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