sling swivel

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40 Cal.
Aug 20, 2004
Reaction score
I have a nice french fusil and would like to add a sling swivel to my trigger guard, can I do this without to much trouble and with out messing up the guard. also does the guard have to come off or can this be done on the gun.
I'd take it off and work on a bench. Are you going to drill it and is there enough meat there? Have you considered swapping the trigger guard for one that is designed for a sling?
Gemoke said:
I have a nice french fusil and would like to add a sling swivel to my trigger guard, can I do this without to much trouble and with out messing up the guard. also does the guard have to come off or can this be done on the gun.


Trigger guards that are used with sling swivels have a flattened place meant especially for the screw for a sling swivel. I don't think your French fusil has any such provision for a sling swivel unless it is a French military model?

If you don't want to alter your trigger guard, why don't you just tie the sling to the trigger guard with a leather whang.

You didn't mention it, but how are you planning on attaching the front end of the sling to the fusil?

Randy Hedden

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