I've collected an assortment of small containers to keep a variety of stuff in over the years. They are of two main categories, gourds and rawhide bags. I've always thought colonials must have used gourds a lot, they are such a natural and obvious solution, and I know they used them for larger storage, for gunpowder, as drinking dippers, etc., so I made a few for those small jobs. I just cut the end off, dropped some gravel into them and shook them until all the soft stuff inside was loosened, fashioned some sort of top, and bob's your uncle. They are all small, largest one here is 6" long.
There is a kind of small hard bag made of rawhide sewn with sinew. It is sewn together, soaked in water until pliable, then stuffed with sand or some such and allowed to dry. Makes neat little ball bags, which is what I mostly use them for. They are only 3"-4" long, just right to drop into a shooting pouch. Bought these at shoots, never tried making them.

There is a kind of small hard bag made of rawhide sewn with sinew. It is sewn together, soaked in water until pliable, then stuffed with sand or some such and allowed to dry. Makes neat little ball bags, which is what I mostly use them for. They are only 3"-4" long, just right to drop into a shooting pouch. Bought these at shoots, never tried making them.
