Smokleless in cannon??

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Hey Blizzard, I served as a ground pounder so my M1 was pretty much all I was concerned with so please tell me if you can,why is it that the big guns on the Abrams etal tanks are smooth bore?
I think I caught part of the answer on the military channel one night and it had something to do with the different type rounds that are used in these guns?
The kind of projectile used in those smooth bore guns is called a rod penetrator. It is about 12 times as long as its diameter and spin stabilization will not work for that long a projectile, so it uses fin stabilization which needs the smooth bore.
i have a friend that made a .58 canon from 4140 chrome moly gun barrel steel he has used smokles powder in it but recons it works better with good old black powder.
bernie :thumbsup:
I know folks in Australia see the world a bit different than we do here in the states, but I don't want to be anywhere near a cannon that is loaded with smokeless powder, when it should be using Black Powder. The differences in pressures is HUGE! In a cannon, you only have a small touch hole at the top of the barrel to relieve that extra pressure. I don't want to be anywhere close to that cannon when it is fired, because some day that barrel is going to come apart.
I saw myself a BP cannon that was made with schd 160 seamless alloy pipe used in nuke plant steam line burst open when shot with smokeless rifle powder - don't do it. :nono:

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