So I found this box leaning against the garage...SMR Build

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I opened my flash hole liner to 1/16. I hope that helps.
Im sure you will be fine. You read alot of things to do and not to do. The design of the RMC liner gets the pan powder closer to the chamber. Im not sure if this is better or not but I have read where that is supposed to be. I just bought one and went all in to begin with. Mine goes bang all the time when I do my part.
BigAl, I'm no expert, but I've done a few military stocks, from stripping to dent repair and finishing. Pretty straightforward. Thankfully, lots of good info to help, as well.

Wish I was closer to you and Rock Isle.
Im leaving for Texas for 4 months in about 3 weeks. But maybe next year we could plan a shoot together. Is there a place to shoot down your way that allows steel? Im not much for paper to boring. I know there is some ranges around Bennet just am not familiar with the facilities
Haven't taken any progress pics yet, but moving along some.

Barrel, trigger, and lock all installed without the need for any inletting. One thing to note: they now actually drill the hole in the lock for you. Nice touch.

Started working on the trigger guard. I filed down the flashing, and started the fitting. I thought I'd had the front end in as far as it'd go, and determined I'd have to remove a little wood in the back. I ran a pencil around it, and carved it out. I stayed within the mark, so I wouldn't take too much...and it wound up being too much! Just barely. When it comes time to finish it up, I might just make a small bed to fill it in.

It got cold in the barn, and time to feed the critters, so I stopped just before drilling the pin holes. Oh, and my kit does have his new jig, FWIW.
My advice (for what it's worth) is to acquire a copy of The Gunsmith of Grenville County-Building the American Longrifle by Peter A. Alexander. Chapters on carving and engraving. An absolute must-have book for any builder.
I'll take your advice, I just ordered one for 36 and change. Looking forward to it.
Thanks for posting these photos. I’m getting ready to order one of these and I’ve been wondering about Kibler’s standard grade maple. The wood on your rifle appears to have some nice figure to it.
In case anyone is interested , this is the book. it is a good size, well written and illustrated through out. it is a 'thick" big book and it lays flat!!


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No, not yet. I've thought about it, but my eye keeps wandering towards Clay Smith's Fusil kit.

ETA: forgot the quote.
What was the shipping time on that? I just ordered mine this week.

It took almost 3 weeks from ordering, but Jim was putting the finishing touches on getting the Woodsrunner rolling. I didn't mind. Once it did hit the mail, it was 2 days.

Fancy engraved Lancaster rifle in .45 I wish I could find this box leaning up against my front door. But Joe and company needs to give me about A 25% COL RAISE. I dont need another caliber but I might make exception for this one

Lordy, that's a work of art.
Had a bit going on today, so not a great deal of progress. I drilled and set the trigger guard and the 3 pipes. Drilled the tenons, but didn't widened the holes yet.

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