Speaking of misfires

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40 Cal.
Sep 16, 2007
Reaction score
Hey all, Gus here.

Our 4-H muzzleloading club met last night, had a great time as usual. We shoot TC New Englanders in 50 and 54 and some different CVA’s. I have this one CVA Mountain Stalker that has habitual misfires, 1 in 5 shots, no matter what precautions we take.

Has anyone experienced this kind of chronic misfire issue with a particular gun or especially CVA? My next trick will be to try one of those bragged about Knight Red Hot nipples to see if that will work.
I have found a lot of cva's have "soft" hammer springs and a lot more guns get dry fired, which mushrooms the nipple enough to where the cap does not go off on the first attempt.

a hot shot nipple or the one you mentioned and a good strong press fit of the cap will probly do!
Hi Gus
Just to let you know,I have the very same rifle. Mine works ok ,so there is nothing cronic to the gun itself. It uses the same drum and lock that has been on umteen thousands of CVA Guns. It could have a weak spring ,like has been already mentioned. My bet is the nipple has problems . CVA has a good one called a Perfect Nipple. It works well and is half the cost of the Knight nipple . Mountain State has a Spitfire Nipple that is about $4 and works great. You will need a 6mmX1mm thread nipple.
I had the same problem with a CVA rifle. The HOTSHOT nipple fixed it immediately. You might want to check and see if the hammer is hitting squarely over the nipple and cap. You might need to bend the hammer ever so slightly to line it up properly. It should be a simple fix. :thumbsup:

I have the CVA Mountian Stalker in 50 cal and I have shot Pyrodex with no problems but I get the same about the same rate of misfires in mine with 777. I have located some Goex and i am going to work up a load with that.

I put a HOTSHOT nipple on my mountain and had no misfires since with black powder or pyrodex ffg . The only time I get any is with 777 .