ratscoot said:
... I've read many shooters use a Lee mould and sizer with very good results.
Groups of 2,5" are possible
Even as we endlessly debate the relative merits of Springfields and Enfields, we seldom agree on the best moulds. :yakyak:
Some shooters are perfectly happy with the inexpensive (that's cheap), aluminum Lee moulds, while others swear by the more costly, but longer-lasting Lyman moulds. :hmm:
And there is a third company of which you may not have heard, but is fairly popular among North-South Skirmish Association competitors -- Rapine Bullet Moulds. Rapines are made from high-strength aircraft aluminum, and cost about the same as Lymans. Unfortunately, Ray Rapine doesn't believe in Web sites, but you can find his moulds using a search engine.
I personally favor Lyman, because I cast upwards of 2,000 minies a year and prefer a mould that will hold up to long, hot sessions. Others will make arguments for their favorites as well. :youcrazy:
But, most important, be sure the bullets you cast are made from ONLY pure, soft lead, have flawless skirts and do NOT have voids in the bases. Size them to a thousandth or so under the bore diameter of whatever rifle you choose. If you follow those steps, and take the time to find the combination of bullet and powder your rifle favors, you should be able to get the maximum performance out of whatever gun and mould you end up with. Good luck! :thumbsup: