Squirrel Chasers?

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Season comes in Sept 1st and runs thru
Jan 31st 2010 here in Ohio. I won't go out till the first hard frost.I really do not like to hunt in warm weather. Reports are this should be a
fairly good year, population wise. Just about only
type I see when I hunt are fox and grays.Very,very seldom in the same hunting area.
Daily bag limit is 6 total of any type.(red,black,fox or gray) I use a .32 Crocket. It starts to rattle a bit in the gunrack around
the middle of Sept.:wink: :)
Took me a couple of hours this afternoon but I think I got my 40 cal sighted in pretty good. Several 3 shot half a dollar sized groups at 25 yards plus hit soda cans at 40 plus yrds. Look out squirrels.
I am getting all ready for squirrels ! I got my t/c 45 barrel and 32 custom flinter sighted in today. I was out scouting a couple times and this year should be pretty good around my house. Also i am going to take a couple weekend camping/squirrel hunting trips on public land. It will hopefully be a very fun and successful squirrel season.
rdillion said:
Pardon me for being a dum--ss, but where is Kingston. :surrender:
:haha: Madison County, 50 miles or so east (and a little south) of Fayetteville. Maybe halfway between Fayetteville and Harrison?

From Conway, I normally take I-40 west to Lamar, jump on 64 into Clarksville, then turn north on 21. It's about a two-hour drive.

Beautiful up here, sparsely populated, squirrels big as house cats. :wink:

Ten or fifteen miles south of Kingston on highway 21 is Boxley - drive through there at dawn and you'll see elk, sometimes dozens of them.

But to get back to the topic of the thread, I won't be able to go on opening day, but I'll be carrying my .32 on the second day.

I also use a 20-gauge flintlock fowler, a 12-gauge percussion, and a .40 percussion on the tree rats.

I'm really looking forward to getting back into the woods in an actual hunting situation...

I went awhile this morning with my .60cal/20ga. smoothbore. I just finally almost finished this gun up this summer. But I hunted with it in the white last gobbler season and just bondo the rear site in and it fell off yesterday afternoon. So I duct taped it back where I thought it was and went a while this morning. Lost my muzzle cap too..forgot I hadn't fastened it on either. I think I'll make one out of cowhorn or antler when I get around to it.
The sqirrels were on the pignuts and acorns. Missed two others and saw about 6.


Hoyt, that sure is a fine lookin rifle. :bow:

well, it was nice & cool, though the weatherman was off by 6 degrees, bit warmer than he said.

did a lot of snoopin around, kinda scouting for deer mostly, but tryin to keep an eyeball peeled for squirrels.

far as i can tell, the acorns just arent there...crop looks like a real failure, and pecans arent much better. deer are eatin my foodplots to the dirt, kinda wonder how things will be later this year. thinkin its gonna be lean for them.

scored 1 lonesome fox squirrel, and that one was almost by accident, stopped off at a trail camera to switch out the memory card with a fresh one so i could check my pics. while i was there he made the mistake of coming through the trees towards me & stopped pretty close, 25 yard shot with the .32 cherokee. forgot how much i like packin that little gun around.

kinda wondering if he was comin to gnaw the apple salt block i put in front of the camera to draw deer, corners are gettin rounded off on it.

not the kind of morning i was hoping for, things pretty lean in my woods. but i did stop by the pond & catch a few channel cats to see how they are growin, stocked it this spring & put a feeder up & they are about 3/4 of a pound now, looks like a fish fry next year. and when i plugged the SD cards in the puter i got about 20 deer pix off the camera.

very nice rifle and squirrels. :thumbsup: Putting duct tape on it so you can hunt with it sounds so much like me I showed my wife. She thinks I am :youcrazy: but it is nice to know I am not alone. :grin:
Buford said:
It seems like there isn't going to be a very consistant mast crop around here either. Some trees have nuts some don't. I built a .32 to try out on squirrels, then last fall there didn't seem to be any squirrels any where a few more around this year but still not a whole lot.............watch yer top knot

That's to bad good luck . :thumbsup: If I could hunt them around my house all I would need is a handful of walnuts and a bat.
out here in so cal the ground squirrels are running rampant,they are stealing everything off of my fruit trees. Cherries apricats pears you name it almonds also. I've been shooting them for a month now and I've finaly got them trimmed down to a manageable few. Some days I was shooting up to 15 a day , I haven't seen this many squirrels in years I don't know whare they're coming from it's the same with pest birds and bugs this year.I'm enjoying the chance to shoot but I would have also liked to have some fresh fruit and veggies.
It isn't going to happen for me this year, but for next year, I am going to save up and get myself a nice squirrel chaser. I think that it would be loads of fun. This year I will just sit and listen to everyone else in the woods.
15 a day wow! :bow:

I am sorry about your veggies and fruit but is sounds like some good shooting (not to mention squirrel meat). Did you use a muzzle loader? If so what kind?
I have a .36 cal flintlock I'm going to hunt them with when I get back home in a couple of weeks. The squirrel season here is open all year with no bag limit, so there's always an excuss to get out in the woods.
been to the woods 3 times in 3 weeks, walking trails, checking feeders & trail cameras, and looks like this will be a lean year, gotta search far & wide to find a few scrawny acorns. not much for a squirrel to eat in my areas, and have seen dang few squirrels, guess the late freezes we had this year messed with the oak trees. not much on the pecans either. :(