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Squirrel Dogs

Muzzleloading Forum

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I will take a look at his site. For you folks that hunt with dogs do you think it is necessary or do you just enjoy the companionship? I've been hunting squirrels successfully my entire life and didn't realize folks used dogs.
I will take a look at his site. For you folks that hunt with dogs do you think it is necessary or do you just enjoy the companionship?
I have hunted squirrels (or as a little kid tagged along with Dad) for 56+ years. I've done it with and without dogs.

You said you have successfully hunted squirrels all your life, so you just answered your own question.

Where I think they are a big benefit is in heavily hunted areas where squirrels are very spooky. Dogs are less noticeable and can range out there to see or smell squirrels you might just saunter past as they are laying flat up in the branches. In addition, as mentioned, they can aid in bringing them around to your side of the tree. (I put an orange vest & collar on the dog if I am in a public area. Lots of morons out there.) Finally, there is the fun of watching a good squirrel dog work.

So net...not necessary. Just another way to hunt them. I know successful migratory bird and pheasant hunters that don't own or use dogs. With or without it's fun and your personal choice.
I have a Border Terrier that does a decent job with squirrels. She'll hunt and locate trees. She may not always know when a squirrel hops from one tree to the next, but she tries.

Way back when my son was about 3 yrs old ,I got him a pup, Every rural kid needs a dog as a constant companion. Mike wanted to name him Skeeter so it was. When Skeeter got to be about 6 mos old, I could not walk off my place without Skeeter following. He was a very small wirehaired Fiest Maybe 10" at the shoulder.The Old timers called him a fiest,he was a mutt of undecernable breeding. Mama was larger and smoothhaired so WHO knows. After a while Skeeter would get tired of walking and come and get under foot. So l picked him up and put him in my right pocket of the U.S. Army field jacket that I always wore. He may have done it to get a higher perspective of the world. Happy to just ride along with his head sticking out, and not a peep. Suddenly he would start squirming and whimpering wanting out, feet hit the ground barking his head off till standing treed. Sure enough squirrel, sometimes the squirrel would just sit on a low branch an cuss hell out of him, till I'd shoot them. Skeeter would sit by the dead squirrel till I picked it up. then back in the pocket..If a rabbit would go into a brush pile, Skeeter would find where he went in and go right in after him barking all the way. Rabbit would squirt out all directions. Sometimes 3 or 4 and Me with a Muzzelloader. Soon as I shot Skeeter would come out and find the rabbit and sit there. Guys in the area said Skeeter was the Damnedest thing they ever saw...And how did I train him to do that....I DIDN'T........I have always hunted every thing legal. For all but deer I don't like to hunt without a dog..To me its not about the game I harvest ( although it all tastes great)....It's more about the time spent marveling at the dog. Sometimes if we have enough shooters ,I don't even take a gun. BTW at about 10yrs old Skeeter spared us the heart ache that comes with having a dog.He just dis appeared.Over the years Ive had Several Great Registered Retrievers......All DOGS give unconditional LOVE........... I KNOW now why DOG is GOD spelled backwards Unconditional LOVE...Be Safe>>>>>>>Wally
Sorry for the last post. Don't know why my replies are doin crazy things. Been that way the last few days.

Anyhow, skwerleater, how are the Mountain Curs around the house? Are the aggressive with people or children?
I've had Mt. Curs, smartest dogs I ever owned. They will watch your kids, your house, and you. The first one was a female that my wife gave me for Christmas. She was my
Christmas present but she was my wife's dog, until I took my gun out of the closet. Then it was see you later MA, we're going hunting.