You have to understand those guys doing those videos have done LOTS of them & allot of them have done allot of misc. prior to thing there so the video is a 2 hrs rather than 150 hr video. Stock is perfect, all inlet cuts near perfect, etc. The didn't just grab one out of the stock bin, it is the Best one they had to work with.
Also, no two precarves are alike Unless the same guy is precarving them off the same Exact pattern. Most venders selling precarves have their Own pattern at the place they are being precarved, so a Chambers I.Haines precarve is not going to be like Tip Curtis I.Haines nor a Dunlap I.Haines, nor a Jacks Mtn. Stock I.Haines.
(*see note)
That being said, IF the lock is inlet, regardless of who's precarve it is, I would do the Lock 75-90% of the way first, then the barrel to Be Sure you have the barrel in the correct position for the vent liner to be in the coprrect position...... You can mose allot of things around, but if the lock inlet is there normally you don't have much adjustment to vary it any withoput gluing in wood & etc.
Good luck on your build.
*Note: It is also best to get the trim & parts from the guy you got the stock from, cause again you run into parts not fitting because someone used a dif. triggerguard, buttplate, sideplate, lock, trigger, etc. On a I.haines, Tip uses a Bivins trigger, but on Dunlaps he uses a York trigger, Chambers uses a pinned trigger. Same way with buttplates, 3 dif stocks cut for 3 dif buttplates.....