Tom: Call first before wasting time traveling from one gun store to the next. Or contact Goex, on -line, and find a distributor for your State. Call them on their 800 number, and have them tell you where your nearest retail supplier is located.
If you don't belong to a BP gun club, think about joining one. Most clubs have the members order their powder together, so that they can all benefit from reduced prices per lb. by buying a Case ( 25 lbs.) or more at a time. You can get powder for as little as $13-$14 per lb. buying it by the case, where it could cost you over $20.00 per lb. buying it retail one pound at a time.
And, Join the NMLRA. We need your company, and your support. The National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association publishes lists of their Charter Clubs in all the states, and then also publishes lists of State Representatives, that you can call to find out information- like where can I buy Black powder? Its website is full of information to help you, as well as its monthly magazine, Muzzle Blasts.
If you explore this website, you will find towards the top of the index a section marked" Member Resources". There you will find "Articles, Charts, and Links". Explore. The links can take you to many suppliers of goodies, and their on-line catalog so that you can find what you need, and compare pricing.
You also need to bookmark another site, by a member here, Bob Spenser's "Black Powder Notebook".
Its full of information about shooting Black Powder, and you will find it invaluable.
For learning how to load and shoot your gun accurately, invest in Dutch Schoultz's Black powder Rifle Accuracy system.
Dutch is also a member here, and the $19.95 charge he asks for his system is worth many times the cost, just in the time it will save you testing various components. I keep my copy of his system here, to help members who send in pictures of their spent patches and targets asking for advice on what is wrong, and how to fix it.
The only restriction( but an important one) on any .32 caliber MLer is the small weight of the ball( approx. 40-45 grains) The balls weighs about the same as a .22 LR BULLET, but has Nowhere NEAR the Ballistics Coefficient of that bullet. On a calm day, you can take the center out of targets at 100 yds, if you do your part. But on any kind of windy day, stick to targets inside 50 yds.
You are going to enjoy shooting those guns. :hatsoff: :hatsoff: