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36 Cal.
May 27, 2005
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I have received the last part for a new rifle. Being in a rut it will be another Dickert in .50 caliber. Most of the parts are from Muzzleloaders Builders Supply with the exception of the lock which I got from Jim Chambers. It is his large Siler Deluxe, and man it is DELUXE. That sucker does throw a spark!
Starting with the best grade of maple that MBS could furnish, it will have a Rice barrel and German silver and sterling silver inlays. The stain will be Laurel Mountain Nut Brown and Laurel Mt Browning solution.
Now the make the wood chips fly.
Sounds like you've built a few - I'm about to start my first. I got a regular large Siler, which I believe has the exact same dimensions as the Deluxe Siler. Is the Deluxe that much better than the large regualr Siler? Considering ordering a deluxe and I'm just wondering if it's worth the hassle.
You get a lot for that $5.00 extra. I have both a large Siler and the Deluxe version. The standard lock is a wonderful piece, but the Deluxe is a better sparker and seems a bit faster, too. I think the Deluxe is a real bargain and in the total parts cost for a rifle, the small price differential isn't even noticeable.

What Russ T Frizzen said. I paid $125 for the Deluxe, vs. 112/120 for the large. What chambers has done is change the geometry of the cock and frizzen. Sparks better, is a bit faster (lock time) and angles the sparks into the pan better. No Hassle, just an improvement over the standard large Siler, which I have three of.
Yep, I have made a few. Best advice I can give you is tools, tools, tools and thing to keep them sharp with. I use Arkansas stones, soft, hard and surgical plus leather for all chisels and gravers. Then take your time and only work on it when you are in the mode. Plan twice prior to cutting once. It is awful hard to glue those shavings back in place.
Let me know how it goes.
The Deluxe Large Siler does have the exact same dimensions as the regular Large Siler, as far as the lock mortise is concerned. The two locks are directly interchangeable.

I will definitely spend the extra $5 for the Deluxe when I get my set. I see no reason not to.
The Deluxe Siler is a large Siler lockplate, mainspring, & etc., but with the Golden Age tumbler & cock on it. Thus you have a taller cock & a different tumbler so the geometry of the lock is a lil different.
This makes the flint hit harder on the frizzen thus giving more sparks. It also uses flints a lil faster than a standard large Siler (IMHO), however for hunting it is my preference of lock. As far as speed, I doubt it is much if at all faster as it has a longer throw than the large Siler, but man it is one sparking lock for sure.
Next time I talk to one of the Chambers I will ask them if they have timed them & the speed difference.


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