Starting to live shoot

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32 Cal.
Dec 5, 2005
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Hi I am intersted in starting to live shoot my 61 springfield. I was wondering where i could get a .58 caliber minie ball mould and where i should get lead to use to make them.
Track of the Wolf is one source for the mould:

Others know of internet merchants dealing in lead. I get mine locally (in Arizona) at about $1 per pound from Bill Fergunson (phone: (520) 458-5321) He'll mail it to you, but it will cost you. Better to find a local source, or someone dealing in enough volume to get you a good price.
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To find lead, check to see if there are any local salvage yards. I get good, clean, pure lead for 20 cents a pound at one of our local salvage yards.
i would recommend buying a few different styles of minies, possibly in different diameters, to find what your rifle likes. then buy a mold. just my 2 cents. WK1
Minies in several diameters are sometimes sold on e-bay, as are used moulds.

Go to "sporting goods" and search "mini bullet" "lead bullets" "blackpowder" "mould" "mini mould" etc.

Some folks selling on e-bay also have "e-bay stores" to sell their products. If you don't see the diameter you are looking for, click on "visit my e-bay store" or something like that, and browse to see if they offer different diameters of bullets.

Most folks who shoot minis prefer bore size bullets for best accuracy. Smaller daimeter bullets might work better is you plan on using paper cartridges.

Decide what you want and go for it.
Is there any way for me to find out a closer diameter because as we know it may be a bit larger or smaller being a repro.
Borrow or buy a set of these:

or a bit fancier:
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