Stock Color

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45 Cal.
Jul 30, 2004
Reaction score

I'm trying to decide which stain, etc. for my gun..I'm looking for the colors in this picture. I was thinking about using Laurel Mountain Lancaster says "Rich brown color with honey-yellow undertones". Anybody know from experience if this stain will produce the colors in picture? If that stain won't work how bout Danglers "real golden brown?"
Thanks for any info.
A fine patinated finish like that requires a lot of steps in addition to whatever stains you use. The stock must be stained with stains that will give the honey undertones then darker and darker stains need to be applied until it is nearly black. Then, painstakingly, the highlight areas need to be rubbed back. Folks use steel wool (I can't; it's too aggressive for me) or pumice, etc. (pumice is my favorite). I rub back the wrist, the belly of the forearm, any high spots that get wear and handling, and leave the background darker.
Thanks for the info Rich..I think I will try the Laurel Mountain Lancaster Maple and then go from there..probably Permalyn sealer then Permalyn finish topped off with Permalyn wax.If Danglers will mix with the above I may put some Danglers Walnut over the Laurel Mountain Lancaster Maple and work it back like you said.
Will try on scrap pc. first.

That's an Allen Martin gun, the base is Aqua Fortis, then cut back from there. Possibly even some additional coats of conventional stain before cutting back.
NOTHING can compare with the old acid stain for this color. I've just finished my 30th rifle, and have yet to be brave enough to use the Aqual Fortis and heat on a relief carved stock.

BUT, I'm putting the finishing touches on the carving on a Lehigh scratch rifle I'm building from a pattern from Allen himself, and it just wouldn't be right NOT to use Aqua Fortis. So I'm gonna try it out!!
Love the Lehigh's, love Allen's work, gotta learn to love the AF!!
Smallpatch..I kinda figured he used Aqua Fortis and heat on those guns. I spend a lot of time on his site just admiring them. The colors are all good and just a little different from each other.

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