Everyone has their own idea of what color looks best.
There are several posts on the forum showing what folks have done with their guns. I suggest you look around and see what you like.
The following guns were treated with lye water, then stained using BC Walnut, BC Maple and BC Colonial Brown. These last two aren't made any more, but the stocks with a more redish tint used them.
Actually none of these guns have just one color of stain on them. That is why I like the water based or alcohol based stains. You can thin them and work up on the color you want by applying several coats of different stains until you get what you want.
Don't quote because these were built me because these were built some years ago, but from left to right I think I used the following stains:
1: 1 Walnut, 3 Colonial Brown
2: 2 Walnut
3: 1 Walnut, 2 Maple
4: 2 Walnut, 1 Colonial Brown
5,6: 3 Walnut, 3 Colonial Brown
The Maple stains tend to be brownish, the Colonial Brown is a redish brown.
Although the BC Maple and Colonial Brown are not available any more, other brands stains with similar names produce similar colors.
Also remember, no two pieces of Maple will be the same color even though they have exactly the same stain on them.