Is their a law on how much black powder one is allowed to have at one time. Are their federal regulations and state regulations on this.
I am trying to build up some supplys and was just wondering. Also is their a law on how it is to be stored. My powder is in a steel gun safe as of now.
The ATF fed reg states for recreational use, up to 50lbs BP may be stored in a single family dwelling with no need for permits, special storage devices, etc, etc...more than that and you get into requirements for permits, storage magazines, etc.
Each state can add their own regs...they can't increase the amount of the fed reg, but they can reduce the amount below the fed reg. Each state has a State Fire Marshall's Office and they would be the place to contact to find out if a given state has added any over-rides to the fed regs.
Ironically, gun powders, and BP is no different, are normally stored in well vented storage areas unlike a steel safe...because as they flash and burn extremely fast, the large amounts of gas pressure generated would make a sealed containment vessel like a safe into a huge pipe bomb. The flip side of the argument of course is how in the world could any ignition occur inside a safe.
Ordering Goex by the case, my amount fluctuates between 25 and 50 as soon as I drop down into the last case of 25, I reorder a second case to go back to the 50lb limit...and my approach has been if a case of Goex can safely be shipped halfway across the country and be left sitting on my front porch in a simple cardbord box, I leave the cans in the same box and just sit it on the floor of a closet in the house.