Did Davey Crockett die at the Alamo?

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The story of Crockett's execution after surrendering was recorded by Lt. De la Pena and published in:
De la Pena, Jose Enrique. 1975. With Santa Anna in Texas: A Personal Narrative of the Revolution. Texas A&M University Press, College Station, TX

Almost all of the witnesses to what happened at the Alamo are Mexican but it is only fairly recently that historians have dug into any writings that they left behind.

I am working on a paper for college discussing history and the accuracy of it as it is taught. So, my question is this - Do you feel David (Davey) Crockett died at the Alamo?
I have done a ton of research, and many theorists say he was saved by Gen Santa Anna after being captured due to both him and Davey being a Mason. Now, when Santa Anna was captured by Sam Houston in battle after Alamo, he was also spared due to being a Mason. Theres also published newspaper articles stating he lived after with a bullet to shoulder. Then there's land grants signed by the President to Davey Crockett. While the signature od David Crockett has not been 100% authenticated parts of it were. And the biggest mystery is why would the President himself sign a land grant to a specific person, as the President Buchanan signature was validated, as was the Presidential seal on it. President Buchanan was also a Mason. Now said land grant was in Alabama where Davey was known to hunt, and it was also an area that once had Native tribes that Davey lost his political career to help protect and were known to be friends of Davey. The also news articles in the Austin City Gazette which posted a letter written Davey and given by Davey to a William White that Davey was and at time was currently forced to work in a mine in Mexico.
Then there's the many eyewitness stories all telling different versions of how he was killed, some by sword, some by bayonet, some by firing squad, some say he was just seen lying dead. So, what says the group while it can never be proven what's the public opinion. Does history have it correct?
Hy thank you for taking the time bringing this up for us here, Interestin item to chat about , it's always good to find good conversations an good folks here at the muzzleloadin form
Might as well discuss what happened to Jimmy Hoffa while we’re at it.

Agree, close the thread. Let’s get back to muzzleloading era. Nothing wrong with discussions about Crockett or Alamo, just need to stay in our lane. My opinion, take or leave it.
Flame me if you want, my ignore button beckons. :)
Hy thank you for taking the time bringing this up for us here, Interestin item to chat about , it's always good to find good conversations an good folks here at the muzzleloadin form
Well it did get side tracked from original topic but I am getting a ton of good opinions from it for the paper in regards the original topic. Hopefully the Mods - will allow it for a few more days to get a wider variety of opinions.
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Hy thank you for taking the time bringing this up for us here, Interestin item to chat about , it's always good to find good conversations an good folks here at the muzzleloadin form
I reported you for what you said. As for everyone else, a lot going on here, this forum is getting weird. A lot you other people don’t know that’s going on behind the scenes. I don’t appreciate threats.
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Why close the thread? If you've had enough, ignore it. Easy! :)

Good discussion! Just from what's been said here I have to conclude Davy died at the Alamo and The Kid didn't. (...die - when he supposedly did)

Do post your paper once it's written! I'd like to see what you come up with.
Davy Crockett had a son named after him, David Crockett Junior. Perhaps this has led to some of the confusion. When he got word of his father's death at The Alamo Junior went to Texas and joined the fight. After the war was over, he returned to Tennessee, got his family, and returned to Texas.