I don't collect them, but I do shave with them. It seems that with straight razors (as with rifles) you have to own a few before you find one which really 'fills your hand.'
I've had a few el- cheap- o types which I bough just because they looked cool, and a few of these worked out really well, despite being el- cheap- o razors, and some which were said to be great but really weren't so wonderful when they were put to use.
no to sound like a smart alec, but the best way is to strop it and shave with it. use good soap and a nice brush, and if the shave isn't what you want, you may consider sharpening it (if you have the proper stones and know what you're doing) or having it sent out to be sharpened.
once you get a straight razor you like, you'll wonder what you were thinking buying all that 'disposable' junk for all those years.
good luck with your project!