Spot,.... For a "second" quick-load, a load'n block works fine,.... but I do all my load'n "from the pouch". After you load from the pouch fer'a while yore fingers will know exactly "what" ther hunt'n for when you need sumpthin in the pouch.
After awhile and with experience comes "speed". I can easyly load 3-shots per minute without an extremely tight patch-ball combination, "load'n" jest becomes "second nature" to a fella.
First thing I do after fire'n a shot, is to place the end of my "tick'n-strip" in my mouth.
Second thing, is to pour a charge in the measure and dump the charge in tha bore.
Third thing is, as I drop the measure (tethered on a thong) my hand goes in the pouch to fetch a ball.
Forth thing is, as I bring the ball out'a tha pouch with my right hand, my left hand grabs the tick'n in my mouth and lays it across the muzzle of my rifle, I place the ball on tha tick'n and "thumb-start" it.
Fifth, I grab my "butcher" from it's sheath in my sash, and cut the tick'n flush with the muzzle, then I return it to it's sheath.
Sixth, I pull the ramrod, give'er a "flip" to place the jag-end on the started ball'n patch and run'er "home". withdraw the rod "flip'er" agin and put'er back in tha thimbles.
All this load'n sequence is done with the riflegun held between my knees.
I probly could'a "loaded", "aimed", and "fired" 4-5 times, in the time it took me to type this with my trigger-finger!! ::