Anyone have any advice about a T/C White Mountain Carbine? Pros? Cons? My spouse likes shooting my black powder gun (T/C Hawken) but the gun is physically to big for her to handle comfortably. She only stands about 4’ 8” tall! Your thoughts?
Your wife is 4'8"? E N V Y. You got a compact one
When I bought the engagement ring (size 4 1/4) salesman asked if I was marrying a Barbie doll! Thirty-six years and five kids later, she is still my living doll! LOL
I dated a gal that was 5'11"......I was a little intimidated at first but spoke about it with a friend who straightened me out. We never went shooting but she seemed rather impressed that I was a gun owner.
Shortest I ever went out with was 4'11"......BIG height difference! So how tall are you Imacfrog?
36 years together and five kids? GREAT!
I've never so much as been engaged (until now) and mine is 5'2". I have called her "my Asian Doll" a few times.
I sure hope she takes to shooting like I have.
I'll try to post one of her airgun groups.
So how about a Seneca? These are still available second-hand and seem to be a smaller, lighter rifle. In .45 caliber it would kill a deer easily.
I am a full foot taller than her; 5’ 9” ish. She is a little Spitfire of French descent! Lol
now that is BRAGGIN RIGHTS!My Wife is 5’11” and will be hunting with a side lock this year. I tried to steer her toward the .54 Renegade but she liked the White Mountain better. First three shots...
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