If you get a deer this year you'll have all the supplies you need right there. I've tanned quite a few hides, and there's nothing like braintan. Lotta work, but worth it.
Every deer has enough brains to tan its own hide!
A couple of times, though, when I didn't want to go to the trouble of cracking the skull or just plain wanted to salt the hide and wait a while, I just went to the grocery and bought a bunch of those little cans of pork brains that some folk mix in their eggs for breakfast. Drain out the milk, and there ya go! Works just as well.
BTW: an old semi-dulled draw knife is the best flesher and graining tool I've found yet. And - not traditional - but a length of 4" to 6" PVC pipe secured at the right angle makes a great "beam". Matt Richard's books are great, too.
Best of luck!