Target idea

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May 26, 2011
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Arkansas Ozarks
My wife and I are politically active. Every election season I help candidates of my choice by putting out signs along the roads. Day after election I go back and pull them. Signs for losers are often tossed. Winners like to keep for reelection. In recent years I have kept several and use them in my yard for target stands. Sometimes I tape a paper target to them. Other times I squirt a spot of spray paint and use that. The corrugate plastic signs with wire stand up frames are quick to place and easy to use. And cheap. Politicians pay about $4.00 each for them new. So, do the environment, politicians and yourself a favor. Next election time volunteer to pull signs day after election and give yerself a supply of target stands. A win-win deal. :patriot:
Yep, got a few "politicians" in the shed that I didn't vote for...

The signs with the most holes in `em are from the folks I really didn't like. :)
Knew a guy who would adopt real estate signs for target stands.
They are definitely about the best target backing out there. Been using them for many yrs.
I just use the backers, usually real-estate signs. They plaster them all over here and you find them blowing around the neighborhood when the come loose. Volunteer to let them put signs in your yard, that way they deliver the signs to you. :haha:
Not only good target stands, the mild steel rod they are made of works nice for forge work. :idunno:
I`ve found that the Clothes Hangers, the ones with the spring clips on each end, work really great for hanging Targets. The hooked end hangs handily over a wire or anything with an edge.
Best to pluck after an election. Some places might bust you for pulling signs before. In these parts, I see signs a month after, so you'd be doing everyone a favor.
RedFeather said:
Best to pluck after an election. Some places might bust you for pulling signs before. In these parts, I see signs a month after, so you'd be doing everyone a favor.

Yes. Only AFTER the election. I am a huge believer in our system and free speech right to campaign for office. And road signs are an important part of that process. To pull signs before the election would be an affront to that process and very unfair to the candidates. Plus, road signs cost about $4.00 each, you would be stealing. Even afterwards, ask the candidates how they want their signs disposed of. Winners may want to save for reelection time, losers will probably say to trash.