King syrup was a mainstay since I can remember years ago it came in 1 gal. tins with a snap on metal lid like a gal. of paint, Done some checking and was told the company that made it went out of business, so the search is on as I use at least 2 gal. every year when making sweet deer bologna, sweet jerkey and other various applications such as the goya cracker bed time snack or thick sliced homemade bread smeared with king syrup and a glass of milk, The closest I have came to it is KARO dark syrup almost same flavor but not as thick. Will have to run a small test batch of deer bologna and see how it works out. Also check the price on Amazon I could buy it around here something like 4 dollars for a large bottle I believe amazon was around 20 dollars if they can get it. I will have to make a trip to Lancaster Penna. and talk to the Amish folks to see what they are using for shoo fly pie another favorite.