TC Primitive Sights

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May 15, 2003
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Replaced the adjustable rear sight on a TC .45cal x 1:48" barrel with a TC primitive sight today...has to be the ugliest rear sight I've ever seen on a rifle...very tall, straight up flat wall with a vertical slot in it.

Since I'm one of those who aligns the tip of a front sight down in the bottom of a rear notch, all the excess vertical material on this sight is wasted.

To my great surprise, in just a very few minutes with a rat-tail file and a tiny diameter abrasive wheel in a dremel, I was able to simply modify the straight vertical slot so it looks 1000 times it's much faster to the eye and target.

The top third is now wide, then it steps in and the next middle third is medium wide, then it steps down to a small remaining bottom part of the vertical slot for a perfect 'notch' effect.

Now I just have to find a hunting load that will work with this particular configuration...if not...well..."better to have sighted and lost, then to have never sighted at all"
pictures pictures where are the pictures ???....or do ya want to keep it a secret :hmm: ....inquiring minds need to know :crackup: ..............bob
With modification......

RB:you need a little more light in the picture to see it ,very hard on the eyes.
I have on my early Renegade the adjustable rear sight ,but it looks like the TC primitive sight ,hard to explain .The front sight is straight ,no bead ,I like this set-up better then the later type sight,because you can see under ,side to side and get everything at a 6 o'clock see threw when the front sights sits in the rear square blade .
i'm thinking of gitting this site fer my T/C hawken....might look better.......bob

T/C site....

I agree that it would look better...ordered one myself, then discovered I had to "finish" it, then blue it, etc...canceled the order.

I'm really just going through this primitive sight business to see what it's all about...ideally, a barrel should simply be dovetailed and a buckhorn installed...I put this on a spare .45 barrel...if an acceptable hunting load for a .440 or a MaxiHunter will print to POA at 50-75yds, I'll leave it on and hunt it...if not, I'll just put the adjustable back biggie to me
hey Roundball
the sight looks a lot better after you modified it. think I might do the same or thereabouts to mine. thanks for the idea. :imo: :applause:

has to be the ugliest rear sight I've ever seen on a rifle...very tall, straight up flat wall with a vertical slot in it.

I agree. :agree: Thats what I thought when I tried them. You did a nice job with shaping it. I didn't think of it at the time, just filed em' down flat across the top. I had to cut the slot deeper on mine. Used them for awhile and then switched back to the adjustable just because I didn't like the look. I still got them. Maybe I'll try to dress them up a bit. I got those from TOTW to try too when I get a chance. I already know I'll need to do some front sight filing and tapping to get it sighted in. Then hopefully won't have to be concerned with fixed sight rules if I want to shoot my renegades.

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