Reach the critial temperature first to harden it, then temper. My buddy uses 3-mapp gas torches focusing on the part to get it critical. Use a magnet to be sure. A magnet won't stick when the metal is as critical temperature. I personally have a coal forge, that will work too.
The kitchen oven should work nicely for tempering. Most machine tool metals temper between 350 degrees and 650 degrees. By placing the part in a 375 degree oven for an hour and turning off the heat you should be very close. When it cools completly, you should be just right. I wouldn't use any sand in the oven, simply de-grease the part so it won't smoke and throw it on an old cookie tin.
Most folks use sand, vermeculite or ashes to aneal. That's a completly different technique used to soften the metal for working it.
I hope this helps.
Wounded Knee