Thanks USPS

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Just imagine that you go to your local barber or have a plumber come in to do work around the house.

Before they start they ask if you want "the extra insurance".

"Why would I need that", you ask?

"In case we screw something up"

"No, I expect you to do it correctly, and if you don't, then YOU are responsible!

Isn't that the way things should work?
No excuse! Happens every year. They should be use to it by now and plan accordingly. Except their management is lazy and good for nothing!
They're govt. employees. 80% of them are too lazy and too stupid to get a job in the real world so they suck on the govt. teat for their entire lives.
It’s not the carriers fault, Wei, maybe, a few bad ones. It’s mgnt ; hands down. I worked there 30yrs. carring mail . When I retired I have no respect for mgmt . The employees are great and caring. It’s all about the dollar,customer service is history. They don’t care whether your out after dark. You will be yelled at the next morning. You can carry two weeks and they’ll make you a boss trainee. Now there are some boss’s to nice for the job.I wish they would have one day a year where a person could go with a carrier. When I was hired , I thought any one with common sense could put mail in a box.Wrong. It’s more a mental stress thing. Where could you send a letter to Hawaii for .66 and have it returned on the same money if it’s non-deliverable. I’m done ,can go on and on, Customers were great.

Several Postal workers on this forum. How completely insulting to lump everyone together. The USPS in my experience has been great and is rated as one of the top posts in the world. Everyone makes mistakes. Have you even filed a claim?
I agree on that. NEVER lump a group all together, say like in a joke forum when one dumbbutt makes a post and we are all forced to suffer. GREAT folks at the P.O. all over.

Now I will tell ya what we deal with. We get packagess that are not ours all the time, year-round not just holidays. So others are getting ours is a fair assumption. They are so understaffed here that anyone that can kinda read can get a job. All out good postmen have fled due to a NASTY new postmistress that no one can work for. I got to experience her myself a week ago when looking for Christmas stamps. I wouldn't give her a lift out deatheat valley. So we get what we have allowed it to become, remember now these are govmnt folks and many (not all) work accordingly. I will priority mail only and pay all bills online for the time being. Cant expect a check to get to the power company, may go toneighborgbor. Overall they are OK. Here they SUK
Don't sweat it yet. One of your neighbors should be bringing it to your door within a week or two...
They dropped my wifes amazon package at the street over. I knew what happened cuz I used to aways get a US Vet med packages from the Veterans affair, so I went over. She opened the door and I happened to see the missing contents spread all over as she denied she got it. A few words exchanged and she says she called amazon and they told her she could have it, they would reship ours. Bad thing is this could be true? Folks all over today have no morals and have been dumbed down from the guy that boxes the order to the delivery CO to the recipient. Sad world. Thanks all you Biden voters.
Just imagine that you go to your local barber or have a plumber come in to do work around the house.

Before they start they ask if you want "the extra insurance".

"Why would I need that", you ask?

"In case we screw something up"

"No, I expect you to do it correctly, and if you don't, then YOU are responsible!

Isn't that the way things should work?
Your showing your age here for sure.
I'd be suprised if half the postal workers I deal with at our two local Post offices speak English as their first language. I could ramble on for several lines telling you of lost, damaged and/or misdelivered mail. In one case they lost three med deliveries with tracking in a row, I finally received them after they shipped FedEx. One of the packages turned up almost a year later covered in mud. Not long ago another shipment of meds was delivered by a couple who lived several blocks from my address. I'm constantly getting mail in my box not addressed to me. As for complaining to the post office, don't bother to waste your breath, they apparently could care less.

I wouldn't be surprised if the next crop of postal workers they hire are in the process of illegally crossing our Southern Border right now.

If you're one of the "good" postal workers you probably know what I'm saying.
If you want to point a finger at someone in the post office to blame, I would start with and point it several times at Louis DeJoy.
Remember those irreplaceable mail sorting machines that he had destroyed? That was just the start of his dismantling of our
That a**hole ! No doubt!
You could be correct but I am sure that a lot of people shop on line and that increases every year so I have not checked the numbers but believe that when all done it will be up a lot
Nah, I’ve hauled mail in a truck for 39 years. This was light. No big lines for be in Harrisburg — couple years ago a friend had a 32 hour wait there.

I have something coming and see that they needed it up. Just some buttons. OTOH, I ordered a motherboard from eBay. My stupid to not read it better. Jan 5 has become Jan 24th from cheena. Ugh.
I've always thought it odd that we can mail out Christmas cards and the one we send to our neighbor, and theirs to us, eventually come with a postmark from a post office 150 miles away. Our mailboxes are side by side, on the same post. How efficent is that? So now I just hand deliver ours to them. It's obvious that the USPS is a branch of the federal goverment. Same as border patrol!
I mailed a letter to Ca. From Va. nearly two weeks ago. Has not shown up yet.

I talked to my local guy at the post office. He said the Richmond office was three weeks behind on sorting packages. I haven’t given up hope yet😀
The Richmond PO is such a POS that the state government and our US senators have opened investigations. Here in Charles City we sometimes go several days without getting any mail because Richmond doesn’t bother to deliver it to the local PO.
When we first bought our house in 2006, the post office did not deliver mail on our road- we had to get a PO Box. Once we joined the 19th century and got home delivery (2013 as I recall), my late brother’s wife sent me a Priority Mail package containing his drafting tools. From their house in Las Vegas to mine in Virginia, it took OVER FIVE MONTHS. When I filled a complaint I was told that two-day delivery of Priority Mail was a goal, not a promise. 🤬
My wife sent a Xmas gift package to our daughter and son in-law. Inside this package was 1000.00 dollars worth of SOUTHWEST Airlines travel gift cards. Unfortunately she put the wrong address on the package. She realized it at 2:30 PM about 35 minutes after she left the post office. She zoomed up to the post office to retrieve the package and was told the truck had already left to go to the distribution center and she would have to go on line and file an intercept to get the package returned to sender. She attempted to file the intercept on line but was unable because the address was invalid. Here is the rub. You can't use the tracking # only the address to file an intercept. She spent 45+ minutes in the phone most of it on hold. Finally got a real person who was very helpful and notified the Post Master in Reno. The Post Master contacted my wife the very next morning and told her that the package would be intercepted at his office and returned. In the end it all worked out and my daughter was able to pick up the package at the office. Now the ugly details. 2:45 PM wife arrives and was told package left the office, when in fact it didn't leave the office until 5:48 PM . Then it went to the way to New Jersey before heading to Reno Nevada. The lazy postal worker could have walked to the back room and got the box so my wife could have addresed correctly. Another plus the USPS can't intercept a package using a tracking # only the address. WTH?
It’s not the “lazy postal worker”. They puss he off too, but you just don’t realize the volumes you’re talking about. You have zero clue.
If you want to point a finger at someone in the post office to blame, I would start with and point it several times at Louis DeJoy.
Remember those irreplaceable mail sorting machines that he had destroyed? That was just the start of his dismantling of our
Yeah. He’s a piece of dung. He used xpo or part of it. He wants to kill the po. I wake every day hoping to hear a meteor crashed on his house.
Filing a claim for lost MO with them is a joke. Wait 60 days to file and them you need to pay to file the claim. So I gotta pay to file a claim to get my money back happened to me twice. When doing business with someone who wont take a check I guess I just wont buy it because I will no longer buy any MO from USPS.
Exactly. Same thing happened to me. Have never purchased a M.O. since.