The guns that never were - .44 Cal 1851 Navies

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Personally, I'd love to have an "1851" expanded in scale to use .53 round ball.
(Insert Dr. Evil laugh.)
Wouldn't that be a thumper!
Were it possible it hopefully wouldn't cost what it does to convert your ROA to .49" ($1800!!!)!
I can't believe this thread went on so long from one little picture posting!

Didn't expect the Army vs Navy grip controversy. Personally I like the Navy grip, and I started out preferring '51 Navy pistols as my favorite C&Bs to my first one at age 17 and I'm about to turn 58.

But somewhere in the last dozen years I morphed into an 1860 Army lover. I still prefer the Navy grips on an SAA over Army grips, but for C&Bs I've come to appreciate 1860 Armies as the total C&B revolver of all time in my book.
While we have been discusing the features of the Brass framed, .44 caliber, 1851 colt pistol. You have to remember there was no such animal manufactured for use during the civil war. (I enjoy using mine). If you show up at a civil war event that may be run by the authentics/progressive, you will be asked to do one of two things.--leave your pistol in your vehicle, or if you insist on using it being asked to leave.
This pistol is great to plink with or even take with you out hunting-but care should be given on which civil war event you take it to. Along with the other guns some use-1863 Remington Contract rifle(Zouve), and the Rogers and Spenser .44 pistol, 1858 Remington with a brass frame, or last but not least the Ruger old army. All of these are great pieces to use (I have 3 out of the 5 listed). But I try to stay away from civil war events with them.-- Unless I use them as a demo (what not to use)at events.

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