It seems inevitable that clubs and groups who stick tenaciously to the rule of excluding all modern muzzleloading rifles from their group will soon die away. The numbers don't lie. I think the solution is to start including the modern stuff in your group.
IF that's the case then why has the local rifle range, where you can shoot anything except full auto, gone in the past 10 years from a waiting list to join, to declining membership?
I heard the same complaints about black powder and about reenacting from 1990 - 1992..., what was going on then? Recession and recovery. We just finished 8 years of economic problems, and now things are beginning to move again. Our hobby is not an inexpensive pastime, and we need to remember that.
We should also remember...,
There are studies that show that kids want more time with their parents, but their viewpoint is skewed to expect less time due to their environment .
Quantity Time: Do Children Want More Time with
Their Full-Time Employed Parents? M. Rivka Platnick, Ph.D. April 2002
Making time for kids? Study says quality trumps quantity. Washington Post, March 28th, 2015.
(Note...the kids that were in the 2002 study are now grownup and are now having kids themselves, and they don't want to necessarily duplicte their childhood, but may want to improve on the childhood for
their kids.)
sell the event and the activity as quality time, away from the TV, XBox, and cell phone. Perhaps work up to shooting, by having your club host something like a
bread making seminar? Anybody know how to make soap, or how about pickles? Unfortunately, do to some recent headlines, those of us who shoot are seen by many moms, and some dads, as "
one of those people; the people who shoot guns. " :shocked2: :shake: So..., we must be smart and introduce ourselves more as the folks who know a lot about simple living, with good stuff to share.
OH and btw sometimes we use these old fashioned rifles and shoot paper... why don't you come out and see?