I've decided to drill a small hole in the center of the plug and have a leather loop sticking out. Simplicity! I can attach the strap to this, if I decide to make the old horn into a powderhorn instead of a blowing horn. Also I've noticed alot of horn makers have a large staple in the plug to attach the strap to. If I go the "staple route" is the staple also a home made item? Copper, brass?
Eutycus............Never seen any but iron staples on horns. Tiny , as in 1/4 " staples , can be found in the picture hanging area of hobby stores. Larger staples can be made from electrical staples pounded square . Not the shape of the staple but the wire it's made from. Don.t have evidence of round diameter wire during times when powder horns were used. For instance , there weren't any round wire nails in powder horn days , only square cut nails. Thomas Jefferson had a nail making shop on his plantation. Also , if a wide , say one inch strap is needed , use a round nail and pound the wire square , and bend. hope this helps.......oldwood
when I was a kid I grew up coon hunting here in SC in fact my baby book says the first sentence I spoke was "I want to go coon hunting" LOL my daddy had treeing hound dogs and hunted like his life depended on it. i remember he had a couple of horns to blow to bring back the dogs if they got lost,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,