The "spit" patch

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36 Cal.
May 23, 2006
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I typically use a spit patch when shooting. I'll put a dry patch in my mouth, pour my powder in the barrel, then ram the patch and ball. I like doing this because it seems to me that my bore gets much less fowling than using a patched lube. My friend says that I could potentially rust the bore by using this method. However, this is just for range shooting. I would use a lubed patch when hunting. What are your thoughts?

Truthfully I don't know anybody who uses a spit patch. But most of the lubes I and my friends use contain water. There won't be any problem with rust while shooting targets. GW
For over 50 years of plinking or target shooting, I have never used anything but spit patches.

Slobber is cheap, readily available, and it works fine.
I've tried all them Fancy lubes but I keep going back to spit patching.I get my best accuracy from spit patching.Spit is it! :v
I use a spit patch here in ohio when plinking,but generally use bear grease. If you clean after every shooting session rust shouldn't be a problem.
I prefer a spit patch - have heard about causing rusting due to the salt in one's spit. To each his own :hatsoff:
:surrender: I have used spit for years,you always have it with you! wrong! one stinking heart attack and the meds dry it all up, toung sticks to top of mouth etc.I dont know if chewing gum is PC or not ,but it seems to keep me going without carrying lubes.
I've always use a spit patch. The only point of bad fowling I get is the ring were the ball sets but it's not rust and cleans out easily. I buddy of mine that has just gotten into the game insisted on using the pre-lubed wonders and while he was using pyrodex they worked great for him. When he started in on flinters and began using real black..... let's just say he was poking fun at another of our friends still insisting on using the pre-lubed on Sat.
Back in 80's the owner of Log Cabin Supply told me that was what he used for target. Think about it, do you think your spit is worse then that black powder you are using, remember it is ahead of the powder with saltpetere in it. Dilly
I have been spit patching for thirty years and have never had a problem with rusting the bore. Two of my rifles have been with me since I started and both have shiney bores and shoot as well as they ever did. Can't say the same for the operator. Boar-Dilly makes a good point about any corrosive elements in saliva.

Like you, I use a lubed patch for hunting. I don't want to have the powder suck up moisture from the patch.
Same thing as y'all have said. I with spit patching, the only fouling problem is at the chamber, and rust shouldn't be a problem if you clean after every session, which you should regardless of what lube you use.
I used to spit patch, but don't anymore. I greatly prefer something like olive oil/beeswax. I get LESS fouling with this than I did with a spit patch. :winking:
Chuck Dixon told me he uses nothing but spit patches...has fantastic looking targets hanging-up in his shop too! :) .

Alot of the guys in a BP club I belong to use nothing but spit patches...and do quite well with them.

I also suffer from "dry-mouth", so I use the pre-lubed patches.

A spit patch, a false muzzle and a hammer make for a hole in one :bow: .

All the best, Dave
I get alot less fouling with spit and can shoot more times before swabbing. The problem is, I can't use spit when hunting cause it will dry out and maybe rust the bore. Since I intentionally target shoot the same way I intend to hunt, I use lube most of the time.
Spit patches cut at the muzzle for targets!

Lube cut in loading block for hunting.
So thats why those patches taste funny :rotf:

I have never tried spit patches but I am going to have to try them next time I hit the range

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