Rocky Mountain Nat'l Primitive Rondyvoo a few years back. My best friend and I were experimenting with mixing several different types of adult beverages with the end result being that, A. After the first 3 or 4 drinks,
everything we mixed up started tasting pretty good and, B. We also got the munchies.
We were smart enough to know that we were too "libated" to safely rely upon cooking a genuine meal over a real fire, BUT we were also still proudly feeling the effects of our recently successful mixing of beverages, so we decided to experiment some more using contents from our cookbox which did not require cooking.
Into the pot went sardines (in both mustard and oil), smoked oysters, protein bars, pemmican, jerky, trail mix, dried apples, garlic powder, Tabasco sauce and half a can of beer. We then stirred it some (to get the bigger chunks broken up and make sure that it wouldn't dissolve the spoon!), ladled it into wooden bowls, mixed ourselves a couple more libations to wash it all down with and chowed down.
Funny thing is that neither of us really got sick until the next morning when we'd sobered up and looked around and realized what we'd eaten. After that we didn't consume anything but water for the next two days...