The worse camp meal you ever ate?

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Vtsmoker said:
Never had a bad camp meal. I'm the cook :idunno: :rotf:

I'm also the camp cook most of the time. If somebody else is cooking and it looks sketchy, I fix my own claiming a "restricted diet"..... while not a complete untruth, it definatly strays into the grey area.
Vtsmoker said:
Never had a bad camp meal. I'm the cook :idunno: :rotf:
With all due respect, I guess that means you have nothing to offer?

My worst was pancakes made by a friend who cooked them until they were hard as a rock. He admitted he'd never made them before (we could tell) :haha:
I do some morning cooking as I am an early riser.
One staple is what I call "Pre Lube" the basic formula is Jimmy Dean HOT sausage fried with apple chunks added at the end and cooked until the apples start getting broken down. Then a sprinkle of Cinnamon on top. Depending on the groups I camp with we can add cheese, eggs, onions, hominy and almost any thing else. I was making the basic batch one time and I used some off brand sausage.
The Pre Lube effect was greatly magnified. There were folks heading for the blue boxes well before the dishes were washed. I think I got Jethro one morning!
Some years back did the Red River Campaighn and one morning our meal was cold salt pork and hard tack and cold coffee from the night before as there wasn't time to get fires going. The johnnies decided to attack the lead unit in camp early in the am.
Cooked a apple on a stick over my fire.
Ya know what's worse than finding a worm in your apple?
Taking a bite and Finding a half a worm in your apple.
grzrob said:
I do some morning cooking as I am an early riser.
One staple is what I call "Pre Lube" the basic formula is Jimmy Dean HOT sausage fried with apple chunks added at the end and cooked until the apples start getting broken down. Then a sprinkle of Cinnamon on top. Depending on the groups I camp with we can add cheese, eggs, onions, hominy and almost any thing else. I was making the basic batch one time and I used some off brand sausage.
The Pre Lube effect was greatly magnified. There were folks heading for the blue boxes well before the dishes were washed. I think I got Jethro one morning!

That Pre-Lube is good eatin'. :thumbsup:
But it can really get ya goin' in the morning too. :wink: :haha:
I too am the camp cook and like my cooking but...,

I know of one fellow who got confused between the ceramic bottle of olive oil and the ceramic bottle of CLP when he cooked the potatoes...

And one weekend up at Fort Frederick State Park, a group of "progressive living historians" (folks who pride themselves on being hardcore authentic) intended on having salt pork as an evening meal as they would've been issued. Well they couldn't find proper salt pork..., so bought and ate some dry cured, Virginia ham..., note that I didn't say they boilded or baked it before eating....,

The group was puking their guts out on Sunday morning. In fact some of them appeared to be barfing their equivalent body weight that morning.

I heard a similar story from some of the folks in the reenactment group I run with. They had a camp cook who mixed up the bottle of dish soap and cooking oil. Needless to say the breakfast grub tasted a little off that morning...
:rotf: oh I can't resist-- bet that cleaned out their pipes. :shocked2: :applause:
Rocky Mountain Nat'l Primitive Rondyvoo a few years back. My best friend and I were experimenting with mixing several different types of adult beverages with the end result being that, A. After the first 3 or 4 drinks, everything we mixed up started tasting pretty good and, B. We also got the munchies.

We were smart enough to know that we were too "libated" to safely rely upon cooking a genuine meal over a real fire, BUT we were also still proudly feeling the effects of our recently successful mixing of beverages, so we decided to experiment some more using contents from our cookbox which did not require cooking.

Into the pot went sardines (in both mustard and oil), smoked oysters, protein bars, pemmican, jerky, trail mix, dried apples, garlic powder, Tabasco sauce and half a can of beer. We then stirred it some (to get the bigger chunks broken up and make sure that it wouldn't dissolve the spoon!), ladled it into wooden bowls, mixed ourselves a couple more libations to wash it all down with and chowed down.

Funny thing is that neither of us really got sick until the next morning when we'd sobered up and looked around and realized what we'd eaten. After that we didn't consume anything but water for the next two days... :(
ALCOHOL my friend, you were supposed to make me funnier, dance better, smarter--well I saw the video n my friend ,WE NEED TO TALK :haha: :surrender:
nothong like good 'ol drunk cooking - or eating.
I once saw a feller that was right 'under the influence' gnaw on a slab of cold country-style unsliced bacon
At a Family camp out my 13yo daughter wanted to show off her camp fire cooking skills. She made meatloaf, mash potato, & apple pie for the Family. When it was time to eat the meatloaf was good, the apple pie was good, but some how she mistook 1 teaspoon of salt with 1 cup of salt. :confused: :shocked2:
Woods Dweller said:
Gunny how can one mess up pancakes? :grin: Thats like saying I messed up boiling water. :wink:
Apparently you haven't had many pancakes at camp. :wink:
I don't even eat them any more....
worst one I ever had was the one I missed LOL busy BSn with folks n it was all gone time I got back to camp, A BIG THANK YOU to all my BUDDYS :haha:

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