Two Saturdays, didn't even see a deer. Third time out, (we are now into gun season) I'm in the tree stand before first light, enjoying the day coming in. At 8:00, I look right, and look back left to see two does staring directly at me (who says deer don't look up?). They know something is not right, they just don't know what. One stomps and blows, but her antics do nothing to disturb my impersonation of a rock. They can't figure me out, but I can't raise my rifle. Then one moves out of the clearing. The second follows, but pauses at the edge...and looks away. I'm able to shoulder my rifle, line up, and squeeze off. The smoke cleared to reveal that she'd dropped in her tracks. Meat in the freezer!
TC Hawken .50 kit
60 gr. pyrodex
hand cast PRB
TC Hawken .50 kit
60 gr. pyrodex
hand cast PRB