thompson center muzzlelloader the serial starts with an S does that signify what model it is

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t/c muzzle loader records were destroyed in a factory fire, no info available on these, since yours does not say renegade and does not likely have the "black powder only" warning on the barrel it is an earlier one.
That is an urban legend. Some of the Tooling and wood shop burned. No records were lost. Go to Facebook and join Thompson Center Enthusiasts. Deester has records. S does not mean shotgun, they were marked on the barrel,12 GA.
Nit Wit

As others have said, TC used various inspectors Mark's over the years so an 'S' on the barrel would have no significance. At the time of my post we didn't know what model he had so, my response was in case he had a New Englander or one of the other round barrel models that were available as a shotgun. Rifled New Englanders & etc serial #'s start with an 'R' and the 12 gauge models start with an 'S'.
To fit the renegade stock correctly it has to be a 1" ATF. So what other tc guns were offered with a 1" barrel.
Yes. I've had two of them but I've no idea of production dates. The length of the barrel would help.

Not sure if they OP is still with us.

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