Since we're hoping/dreaming here... I had thought about this and I honestly believe TC will run out some side-locks. If you look at it from the machine and technical side, it's fairly easy to see how technology has improved in the last 15-ish years since they last made them. Look at what Kibler can do with CNC. Imagine TC with far deeper pockets, and given some time to retool. Anyone with the right tools can kill two birds in one swing by swapping breach plugs... cap/flint. One stock. One barrel. Sure, two locks and two plugs. But far easier to produce one pattern and swap two parts.
I would expect the Hawken to be the first off the line and that makes a ton of sense because it is clearly the most recognizable model and the general public has been conditioned to it's 'name' and 'style'. Most people in the general public think of a muzzle loader in two forms... "Hawken" and "Musket/long-rifle". Get outside the niche box of this forum and it's members and think big-picture. It makes total sense to start with the Hawken model. I'm sure there will be some minor tweaks. I would not expect an exact reproduction. Maybe they start out with kits only to save on production costs... I would bet that would be easy money for them initially.
Maybe TC will put out the basic model in one caliber and then rebirth the custom shop for barrels. I would bet most guys would be pleased enough if they just did the custom shop route and made barrels to order. I know I would be thrilled with that as a starting point and would be eager to buy at least two as soon as they were available.
If I had Greg's ear, I would tell him to cover the basics, revive the classics, and offer variations. It is going to take time to get anywhere near what they had at any prior point of high-volume production across multiple models/versions. With a couple base designs, TC could cover a lot of niches.
Perhaps a possible progression starting with the Hawken and slowly rolling out the others? Something like the following gets you 4 stocks designs, 4 barrels designs, 8 caliber choices and gets you from squirrels to Elk
- Hawken .45 and .50
- Seneca .32, .36, .40, .45
- Renegade .50, .54, .58
- PA Hunter Long and Carbine .50
- White Mountain Long and Carbine .50 (I would introduce a long barrel conical version; same barrels as PA Hunter just fast twist).