Meek's book is not very helpful. The best book to have is John Schippers "Engraving Historical Firearms" . Meeks book provides nice examples of drawings and letters but is not very useful for learning to engrave. Likewise, none of the gravers you bought will be very useful. Don't try to start engraving trying to hand push the cutter. Use hammer and chisel gravers. You only need 3 gravers to do virtually all engraving found on American long rifles, small and larger square gravers and a small flat. Go to Airgraver.com and search for their hand chisels and get 3 square HSS graver blanks and chisel handles. Then go to their sharpening section and buy the stones and templates for sharpening. I recommend the 90 degree detail template and the flat template. Get a good chasing hammer as well. You need good lighting, magnification and a vise system that can hold the work and preferably spin so you can cut around curves smoothly. This thread will also help.
Some thoughts about learning to engrave
I think Jack Brooks may have a cd on engraving that might help.