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Track of the Wolf "kits"

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Vic Price

40 Cal.
Dec 9, 2005
Reaction score
I've been studying the various rifle "kits" offered by Track for some time. Have any of you guys ever built any of these? If so, what did you build and how do you like it ?

Who makes some of the better barrels for accuracy ?

Thanks to all, TraderVic
I'm building a John Bivins Lancaster county style now. Just received the parts from TOTW last week. Nice job on parts but have seen better wood from Muzzle loader builder supply. Not that what i have now is junk because it's not, it has great figuring just what i paid for.
As for barrels i have some real good shooting Green Mountians, and Colerains, I hear good things on rice but have never shot one.
I have a Tennessee mountain rifle from them in lefthand. It has the green mountain barrel.
As far as woodworking goes. I have had a rough time getting the stock and buttplate fit to look right.
Theres no real instructions with the kit just a blue print and its pretty generic.
I have had some problems with the measurements in the print compared to my parts.
If you buy their kit pay the extra to have them cut all the dovetails and touch hole. I cut my own and drilled and tapped the touch hole. No big deal but you will have to buy the taps and make a jig to file the dove tails or buy one.
I went with the medium priced stock for the kit and its nothing to get excited about. I wish I would have just bought the cheaper stock now.
Looking back over the build I would have just bought a kit from someone else in the white with most of the fitting done.
Nothing bad to say about TOTW everything was packed really well.
Welcome aboard. First and foremost their kits, as well as those from MBS, pecatonica, and a couple of the others, are not kits, but collections of parts for a certain style of gun, there are no assembly instructions or plans unless you order them. Track supplies very high quality, as does the others mentioned, and generally good phone support as well. Barrels thats a good one the best are rice, getz, rayl, goodwein, and then green mountain, and some others. The only thing I don't like about green mountian is that they don't botton tap their breeches, which unless you invest in the bottom tap leaves you having to pay to getr done. The best kits, locks, and barrels with one stop shopping is Chambers. I have at one time or another bought components from all of them. My next build will be a stock from Pecatronica, a barrel rebored by Ed Rayl That's 160 years old, the lock, and metal parts will be from MBS or Track depending on availability. So do some research get two or three catalogs, and some build books, and ask more questions, and most of all have fun with this desease. That's my opinion, for what it's worth Bill
For what it's worth, my most accurate rifles wear Getz barrels.

I've heard that his delivery times are horrible though.
For what its worth :hmm: I ordered a custom 50" x 58 cal. rifled barrel from John Getz at Dixon's fair this past summer, was told it may take as long as 9 mos. to produce. John contacted me (3) three weeks ago to tell me its finished. That's only six months and he had it sent directly to the builder who's making a custom "Moll" / "Lehigh" replica for me. While this is my first dealings with "Getz" barrels I would highly recomend them based on their fastedious response in getting me a "custom" barrel. :hatsoff: :hatsoff: :hatsoff: It has ben a pleasure dealing with them and I would definately reccomend them to anyone and will use them in the future for other projects. :winking:
I have build a number of track "kits"
They are really just a collection of parts that need to be filed, fitted, polished and shaped.
The B/P is IMHO aren't worth the $5.
The guality of their parts is good and so are their prices.
Althought I have a problem with sandholes in their brass buttplates :cursing:

If this is your first build. try to find an experianced builder that will help you.
Buy an inexpensive piece of wood.
*The best kits, locks, and barrels with one stop shopping is Chambers. Bill tell us what you really like about Chambers kits Like whats the wood like and metal are dovetails cut breach done so on
I have never had a backorder on anything I got from Chambers, unlike Track of the backorder. I have not ordered any wood from them, but am helping a newbie in my club with a Haines kit he got from there. Who ever did the precarve keeps his cutters sharp on his pantagraph, as all the edges are crisp and smoothe. The diminsions are very clean, in that the amount of wood yet to be removed is of a very even thickness. Just enough that there's room for a shadow line around the lock mortice, and room to adjust the buttplate to your liking. Also Barbie's nice to talk to on the phone, with no tall tales about the status of what's in stock.
Good morning to you all ! Thanks for all of your honest comments and opinions. I'll have to check out some of the other sources of supplies you folks mentioned.

Regards, TraderVic
I would make on last comment and know how cheap it makes me sound
Chambers kits are top of the line and you pay for the quality, I looked at the virginan rifle and it is $800 for a kit.
The last TOTW kit I bought was $466 delieved.
If this is your first build, don't spend $800 for a kit.
You will not be happy when you make misstakes on it.