Trade Fair

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nit wit

.69 Cal.
Staff member
MLF Supporter
Jan 20, 2005
Reaction score
New England Colonial Trade Fair. March 19 + 20th 9-5 Saturday 9-2 Sunday at Dover Elks Lodge 282 Durham Rd Dover NH. Close to Portsmouth NH. A few tables left, contact Jeff at (603) 528-0675. Good show for flintlocks and colonial gear!
Nit Wit
I'd really like to go.
Just not sure this,
is feasible now.

I usually go, but like you Broken nock, I have even further to drive from SE CT and with the current cost of gas, and the likely hood of it getting even higher in the next two weeks, I may pass on the trip this year. I really missed the event last year that was canceled due to Covid, and was looking forward to going this year, but i just filled up my truck this morning and $92.00 but a big dent in my monthly fuel budget. I live on a fixed income so this really hurts.
So why don't a few of you car pool and split the cost!
Nit Wit
I have asked around at my club, but no one seems interested in making the trip. I even sweetened the pot by saying it is only a few minutes from the Kittery Trading Post, but still no biters.
Sad to hear that. It's just money!
Money I don't have already. I'd be coming to look with little to no ability to buy anyway, with gas what it is,,, the trip seems doubtful.
I have discussed carpooling with someone in northeastern CT so if we decide to go, maybe we can work in having @Grimord ride with us.
But it is doubtful.
Would someone please explain this "fixed income" ******** to me?
If someone with a job's rent goes up and groceries go up, gas has gone more than up,,,,,, does their boss automatically give them a raise?
If a single guy were to find himself with a family in the way, child, wife all that,,,,,
does he automatically get a raise from his employer?
Please, tell me, who is NOT on a "fixed income?"
I sold my Brass Mortar today, moved a couple of rifles. Some good stuff came through the door. F62S always good to see you even if it costs me money!
My wife has been asking me to try to locate a medium or small bore matchlock for some time. She likes the direct linkage ones especially. Maybe next year we'll try this show. Hopefully gas is less expensive by then.

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