Traditional M/L Hunting ?

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I would not worry about the shoes Bill you can make the bottom of the leggins flair forward which will cover most of the foot wear, I sometime wear half and half modern and period if in a hurry, whatever period stuff you can wear is a plus and a step closer and adds to the experience.You will find that few hunters can drive by you if you are walking or standing along an old road in the hills,most are quite interested in the whole concept, much more than if you just carry a ML I have found.The kids love it.
tg said:
I would not worry about the shoes Bill you can make the bottom of the leggins flair forward which will cover most of the foot wear, I sometime wear half and half modern and period if in a hurry, whatever period stuff you can wear is a plus and a step closer and adds to the experience.You will find that few hunters can drive by you if you are walking or standing along an old road in the hills,most are quite interested in the whole concept, much more than if you just carry a ML I have found.The kids love it.

So a guy that covers up his non traditional items is ok but a non traditional bullet is not ok. Even tho the bullet is not in plain sight?
Howdy all,
As yall know I hunt primitive right down to my foot wear and PRB.
I use the term primitive because if you say period some people get their knickers in a twist if you ain't perfect.
I usally hunt out my back door or pack into the backcountry so a rig isen't a option.
I don't follow any time period, I look at the cloths I wear and say, can the critter I'm hunting see me. That is what is imporant.
Our Muzzleloading season regs about blaze orange is a bit screwed up.
Our hunting season is right in the middle of Bow season.
Muzzleloaders have to wear orange but bow hunters in the same woods don't.
So there fore I choose not to.
Also I hunt in the most evil hell holes where four wheelers and the faint of heart can't go so I NEVER!! see other hunters.
It is a personal preference what each person consitutes primitive, and as long as your safe it's no bodys buisness.
As for bating and other electronic contraptions I don't follow down that path.
It took me five years of serious hunting to get my lion.
But I'm a better hunter for it.
When I am guiding rifle hunters I carry a range finder.
Even tho I am a dang good judge of distance I will not let your average pilgrim shoot over 150 yrds.
I'm proud that you and Micanopy are from my home state, just wish Texas wasn't so dang big and ya'll so far away.I'd love to meat up(no I didn't mispell meet :rotf: ) with some folks who could mentor me in more traditional methods. I grew up in the deer blind/ corn feeder crowd and to be truthful it's wasn't too fulfilling.

I switched to bowhunting with a compound and found things somewhat more enjoyable but compound bows are just too much bell and whistle for me any more. I'm now trying to master a recurve, tough for a guy who aquires bad habits as a hobby. :haha:

I've found traditional muzzleloaders are just the ticket for me. Well semi-traditional anyway, but I'm progressing. It's like taking a step back in time. Just like traditional archery led me down a path where I've studied books on primitive skills, knapping, altatls, and even practiced some of these crafts. MLs are doing the same. I'm reading up on the history of Texas and the Southwest and learning about the tools and skills of hunters back then.

I haven't gotten to the point of hunting in traditional garb yet, I'm still using up my supply of desinger camo and tacti-cool items from my survivalist phase in life. :rotf: But I'm learning about the style and designs and fabric used. I'm also trying to teach myself how to braintan hides, make oilskin, sew, etc..

MLing and archery are hobbies that leads to more hobbies it seems. I'm also having to relearn alot of stuff. I discovered I'm a shooter more than a hunter. Shooting deer with a .30-06 from a stand over a feeder isn't conductive to developing a hunter/gather mentality.

I now spend more time studing animal habits in their enviroment, learning to track and how to just be observant of the things around me. Pretty much everything we forgot in the modern times that kept our ancestors feed and alive. Despite some fustration time to time I'm enjoying myself. I can't seem to learn stuff fast enough.

I've been doing this for the last five years and don't feel I've made a dent in everything I want to know and learn. Still if I could find some others locally with a likewise frame of mind, it wouldn't be so bad. In the meantime I read what I can on this forum and add it to my own education. So I'll take the time to thank everyone in advance for all you have contributed.
Congratulations on you change of life! The more you learn about animals, and hunting close, the more satisfaction you will gain. And it just gets better and better as the years go on. I don't decry those guys who sit over baits, or in trees and wait for game to wander into view, shooting them at long ranges. But, I think they would enjoy hunting more if they learned to do it like or Ancestors had to do it 160 years and longer ago. You have made the right decision.
"I use the term primitive because if you say period some people get their knickers in a twist if you ain't perfect'

How does one tell period knickers from primitive knickers?
I hunt here in montana with flintlock and we don't have a ml general season and don't want one or need one. I have to work at it but I don't have any problem taking any animals I can get a tag for and I am hunting in the general rifle big game season. most times I am strapped for time so I hunt using modern clothes unless we are having an AMM hunt camp where period correct is required or unless I end up with enough time to spend a day or two in my own primitive camp.
Muzzleloading hunting isn't a juried event so the only person I have to satisfy is me.I enjoy dressing "somewhat" traditional. In other words if my shorts say "Fruit Of The Loom" and my boots say "Red Wing" that's ok with me. For me, to dress "somewhat" traditional/primitive just makes the experience more FUN...and at this stage of my journey, fun is my top priority. As far as trekking in a mile of two and dragging out or carrying my deer on my back??....been there done that.. :wink:

In my younger days I've done the totally primitive scene and it was fun...FUN is the key word in what we do...right?


tg said:
"I use the term primitive because if you say period some people get their knickers in a twist if you ain't perfect'

How does one tell period knickers from primitive knickers?
Period Knickers come in some loud obnoxious color that easterners, tory's or the Britishers wore out to tea or some event I woulden't get caught dead at.
Primitive knickers usally have deer,elk,bear,lion,marmot,grouse blood stains and are usally some natural color that the disconserning eye woulden't pick up in the woods, also they are worn by manly men who don't give a rats behind what city ronyvooers think and feel. And if they do have their knickers in a twist it's because there is plenty of room in the ball section where there should be a pair but are lacking do to acting like a woman and sticking their nose where it dosen't belong.
I like to think that the MEN here on the forum have to much luggage in their trunk to get their knickers in a twist.
Like you and me.

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