Traditional Pennsylvania hunt in the late season - anyone?

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Dec 23, 2018
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Western Pennsylvania
I have always wanted to do this with like minded hunters - I am interested to know if anyone in western or central Pa would want to gather for a traditional style deer hunt after Christmas this year?
I am wanting to go in period clothing and tools as much as possible or others feel comfortable doing.
Just gauging interest at this point - date and location will be decided later based on participation and generalized location of hunters and tag locations.
We have a bit of time so PM me here with your email address for easier communication and we can begin to develop a plan.
Man, that would be excellent.
I'm sure you'll find there is more interest than there is ability. Unless something drastic changes between now and then, the travel+licenses+tags+other expenses=no can do 🙁

I'm sure if @RyanAK is in here anymore he'd have interest. He's from that area and has been in a deep dive on historical clothing and equipage for the area.
Brokennock, anyone is welcome. I guess my invitation was a bit closed off, not my intention. Due to a limited time I figure only those able to drive out for a day would be interested hence the wpa/cpa focus. If anyone at distance is interested Pm me and we can discuss all options.
This should be a lot of fun. - my most memorable hunts as a youngster were after Christmas with a dozen guys moving deer past each other and most times missing! 🤣
I am from Just below Harrisburg. Wouldn't mind a day event. That time of year, the camping can get kind of over whelming. with so much gear and trying to stay warm. I have done it, but the prep work, set up and take down took any fun out of it. was 5 days, and had 9 inches of snow the second day along with 11 degree temps. Trying to cook over a fire with blowing snow and frigid temps was a little more than I bargained for. ended up cooking in the coals in the wood stove. Old coffee pot on the stove to make water hot. Drank gallons of tea just to stay warm. Wasn't bad when the wind finally died to calm.
Brokennock, anyone is welcome. I guess my invitation was a bit closed off, not my intention. Due to a limited time I figure only those able to drive out for a day would be interested hence the wpa/cpa focus. If anyone at distance is interested Pm me and we can discuss all options.
This should be a lot of fun. - my most memorable hunts as a youngster were after Christmas with a dozen guys moving deer past each other and most times missing! 🤣
For some reason I just assumed you meant a few days out....
Might be something to consider for a day or two of hunting if there is a hotel/motel near the decided upon area.
I have the clothing and hunting equipment, but other than several wool blankets I am still lacking in period camp equipment.

I'll be monitoring this thread.
Not sure Liam and I will be ready for this season but I’ll send you my email just so I can stay in touch. Depending where I might be able to get away for the day and help with the deer driving and dragging.
FWIW 2 of my friends and I are planning a trip for the week after Xmas. Usually we setup a tent, but with the potential for getting the truck snowed in 5-miles in, this year we may 'motel it', and hunt daily in the woods. State Game Lands around Milford, PA. We always go in traditional garb and have yet to see anyone in the woods.
I am over in SW Ohio and envy that late season you PA fellow enjoy. I bask in the fresh downloads of videos coming from your wonderland at the beginning of every year with sparks flying and smoke rolling. Of all my Mzlders not one has evolved into a flintlock, though. That should be remedied in the near future so I can come play with you fine folk. That would be a delightful event to take in. Thanks for posting this offer, Dutch. I'll certainly keep it in mind.
FWIW 2 of my friends and I are planning a trip for the week after Xmas. Usually we setup a tent, but with the potential for getting the truck snowed in 5-miles in, this year we may 'motel it', and hunt daily in the woods. State Game Lands around Milford, PA. We always go in traditional garb and have yet to see anyone in the woods.
In the past (1981-1987) I owned an old pre-civil war house in a small hamlet named "Mast Hope", right there in Pike County. I bought it from an old fellow for $6,000. It was the house his wife grew up in, I often regret selling that place. Milford was the biggest town nearby and the woods in the intire area were beautiful. I have lived on the west coast since 1987 but I sure do miss that area. When I owned that house, I bought my first flintlock from dixie gun works and used it to hunt in those Pike County woods.
I have 2, 4B doe tags, a 4D and a few dmap tags but I doubt you'll want to hunt those dmap areas. They're pretty tough.
We will see what I have left come late season.
If I have my buck tag yet I'm definitely up for it then I can go wherever you decide.
I'll PM you my personal info.
As it stands today I have tags for 2F and 2D - there are some 4D and 2C tags remaining for tomorrow's final purchase - not sure where to purchase that makes the most sense to connect with the most hunters.
I hope to have filled a buck tag in rifle season (with a flintlock) but many times I have been struggling to fill it come late season!
As it stands today I have tags for 2F and 2D - there are some 4D and 2C tags remaining for tomorrow's final purchase - not sure where to purchase that makes the most sense to connect with the most hunters.
I hope to have filled a buck tag in rifle season (with a flintlock) but many times I have been struggling to fill it come late season!
Are there any areas that ever have late flintlock season rags available last minute? (And that are worth hunting)
Generally in PA you can buy a license / tag for anything up until that season starts. There is no flintlock license per se, you buy a ML permit and it allows you to hunt the October any ML season if you also have a doe tag, and the late flintlock only season if you have an unused buck or doe tag. If you have not killed a buck in any earlier season you can use your buck tag to harvest a doe in the flintlock only season. Of course if you have an unused doe tag you can also use it in the flintlock only season. You can also use a flintlock in the general firearms season.
Let me clarify
A hunting license can be purchased at any time, this includes a tag for a buck or a late season doe (antlerless deer).
There are separate doe only tags by game unit that are on a first come basis and all the good spots are taken early.
As an out of state hunter you can buy a license and hunt after Christmas with a flintlock only and take either a buck or doe if you also buy a muzzleloader tag (edit). Anywhere in the state.
Sorry I left that part out.
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