I have found the .32 to be "not enough gun" for New England coyotes unless the range is under 35 yards or so. New England coyotes run much bigger than their western cousins. Last year I shot one that went 53#. The shot was taken with a .36 caliber loaded with 35 grains of 3f at about 45 yards. Dropped the coyote in its tracks, but then again it was a head shot, so I guess a hit with just about any legal rifle would do the same job.
I have shot at coyotes with the .32 in the past, and most of them have gone about 50 to 75 yards even with thru and thru shots in the chest. They have alot of stamina, and can disappear fast after the shot. My experience with the .36 has been much better. Behind the shoulder shots usually drop the yote within 20 yards or less.
I would not pass up a shot at a coyote if I was toting a .32, but I would want to take the shot when it was much closer.