Tradition's Crockett Pistol

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Nov 22, 2008
Reaction score
Does anyone have the Traditions Crockett .32 pistol? Opinions on load, accuracy or potential problems would be helpful. Where do you keep the ramrod?
My son (12 years old) has been shooting his Crockett a few years now.We use 20 gr of 3f Goex then 10 grains of Cream of Wheat then .015 precut Eastern Maine patch prelubed with Ox Yoke 1000+ and Hornady .310 round ball with CCI magnum caps and it shoots pretty well out to 25yds.Wind always blows when we try to go out to 50 yards.
Thanks Greg. If you don't mind, what's the cream of wheat for? And, does the ramrod mount on the pistol, or do you carry it loose?
The cream of wheat --or -- corn meal is used as a filler between the powder charge and the patched round ball.This is helpful to move the patched round ball away from the powder chamber to ensure that it is on the lands of the rifling in the barrel.Son's Crockett rifle is done the same way.Also used in revolvers.I also use it in other guns when shooting reduced loads or to help from patches being blown out when using high pressure loads and thin patch/tight ball combination for accuracy. Hope this explains it.
Forget to answer about the ramrod. I personally do not use it as I do not trust it. We use a longer steel rod with a brass bore guide and 8-32 brass jag used for loading and cleaning.The brand we use is Treso but there are several out there that are just as good and a whole lot better than the factory rod supplied with the pistol.Good to start a fire with
I like that! Just purchased the Crockett rifle and had wondered about light loads not filling the powder chamber. The extra filler makes sense, I'll try that. As far as the pistol, I'll probably buy one just to complete the set. :wink:
Glad you understand my rambling--Crockett rifle currently has a ramrod stuck in the barrel.I need to take out the breech plug and shim the space between the powder chamber/breech plug and the rifling to keep from sticking patches when cleaning.
Plan on getting my son another Crockett pistol--one in each hand :wink: