Two virgins at the range!

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You do not need to load the ML to get used to the flint flash. Just put some powder in the pan, and have at it. You'll get the pan flash, and a puff of smoke is all. Nothing for the neighbors to complain about.
I get a few visitors who really don't know how a flintlock works, and happily give a demo or two right in my shop, which is just what used to be called the "family room" of my home. My dogs and cats don't give a rat's behind about it.
If you hate cleaning flintlock m/l rifle barrels , get a garden hose fixture for your laundry sink. put a piece of clear tubing on a piece of auto store brake line. One small hose clamp on either end of the tubing clamped to the garden hose fitting and the auto brake line..............How to clean your gun.........Remove the lock , and w/a tooth brush , hold the dirty parts of the lock under the water tap and brush clean. Dry and lube the lock parts. Next , insert the brake line into the m/l barrel completely to the to the breech plug face ,and turn the hot tap water on. Hold a finger over the touch hole until the outside of the barrel is warm. Obviously , while the water is on , hold the muzzle over the sink to let the dirty water run down the drain. After the barrel warms up ,turn off the water , remove the brake line ,and hose , dump the excess water from the muzzle. Run a couple patches down the bore to dry it out, and once dry ,coat the bore w/what you like. Dry and lube the lock, and install it on the gun. As w/any freshly cleaned gun , sit the muzzle down on a rag to absorb any oil or residue so the next time you run a patch down before loading , all will be dry. Sounds complicated, but assembling the three hose clamps on the brake line , and water bib connection , should be easy for any half baked m/l mechanic. The soot and excess lube , goes down the drain , and once the contraption is made , cleaning a barrel is quick , and easy , and pinned barrels never have to be taken out of the wood. Been using my hose rig for near half a century , with great success............oldwood
Sounds good. But couldn't one just put the clear hose on the nipple and flush from the nipple to the muzzle?
Guys, need some advise. I shot my .58 Zouave repop, cleaned her up as best I could. Removed barrel to work on it. Also removed the nipple and cleaned it up. Does the breach also need removed? It has index marks on it, but it was tighter than anything I can do to loosen it. I bought it used, so I don't know what care it had before I got it. Thanks for your advise.
You shouldn't need to remove the breech plug. Normal cleaning of flushing through the breech is sufficient.
What's the trick to getting it positioned? I've thought about those but they might not be compatible with my tri focals.
Try this - with your glasses on, hold a pencil at arms length in your dominant hand & FOCUS on the point of the pencil - now with you other hand use your index or little finger and try to 'touch' your dominant eye pupil. That will give you the best position on your glasses to stick the patch.
I never had trouble with flinch. I seem to remember someone selling a deflector to send the muck away from the shooter. My problem, when moving from weapons we don’t talk about to those that we do was remembering to count to ten after squeezing the trigger.