Uberti 1858 Remington army

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40 Cal
Mar 31, 2022
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I just ordered myself an Uberti 1858 Remington type revolver and my question is, are they well made and reliably long lasting?
Is there any parts on there that comonly fail and should be replaced or altered?
Basically can i trust my life with this gun as is?

Thank you for the reply. Can you add more to why i can not trust my life with this gun please?
Thank you for the reply. Can you add more to why i can not trust my life with this gun please?
I would certainly rather have a Uberti 1858, or Pietta 1858, for defense than no gun at all. I own both and love them, but if given a choice I’ll choose a 12 ga pump or my .45 ACP to protect my life. But if I or you don’t have a choice, then yes, a well maintained, properly loaded 1858 with good caps is a man stopper for sure.
Oh i see, yes of course. I just meant mechanically and reliability wise. If thats what i was carrying at the time.

Obviously if i knew of a serious situation id be packing the quality modern stuff.
Oh i see, yes of course. I just meant mechanically and reliability wise. If thats what i was carrying at the time.

Obviously if i knew of a serious situation id be packing the quality modern stuff.
The 1858 is a great revolver. I have gone through all my repo revolvers and de-burred and polished as necessary. They all benefit from that. There’s a lot of resources here on tuning them up.
They are a lot of fun and the Uberti should do you well.

Keep in mind these are not as well made as a modern gun, not sure if its the market or what, but you can and do get them with various annoyances as far as function goes. The last two I got were good (sans shooting too darned high). Some are miner and some don't work at all.

Still a bit puzzled with can you trust your life with one. They are not good guns for that vs a modern cartridge revolver and I would not be keen on trusting my life with anything. Have to is a different story, lots of times had to do the best I could with what I had (not gun fights)

As for manstopper, that is a ????? They will kill people, not reliably, as I recall one Western gunfighter or law enforcement was shot 20 some times over his career and lived. He had to have had one fantastic immune system in the face of infection alone. Some people get shot and quit and some people get shot and don't. You are not allowed to see a I got shot resume before it happens (usually).

You want a reliable manstopper, then we are talking 20mm cannon. People survive rifle shots and die when hit in the wrong place by a 22. You have to take out a critical function to kill something. Its a reason you don't want to stare down a charging grizzly. It may wander off and die after it chews you up or kills you. Other than maybe some consolation to your family, well it ain't no consolation to you (well George took out that man killer griz and died for humanity).

I know of a a shootout (and digging deep into memory, two troops vs a nut job). The nut job was hit with 4-5 357 Mag rounds as well as something around half a dozen to 8 x 9mm. The last 9mm knicked an aorta and he bled out.

The trooper with the 357 magnum was in uniform and was targeted. I forget what he got hit with from the nut job, rifle of some kind as I recall, but it was a number of rounds. He lived but was so badly wounded he could never return to work.

Now a 20mm cannon takes out a pretty good sized chunk so odds are you get hit anywhere with it and you are kaput (grazed not so much). Hit an arm and its gone. Chest hit, phew. 50 cal? Those are semi armor piercing if not AP, it can go through you as well.

I shot 4 Caribou back when I was hunting. 7mm cooking along at close to 3000 FPS and 175 gr bullet (could have been a tad lighter). Danged if it did NOT knock them off their feet. Killed em cause they were good heart lung shots but sure did not knock them down despite surprising them.

Bottom line is modern SD ammo is your best chance and better yet is hope not to be there in the first place.
Appreciate it.
Yeah i just meant mechanically reliable as far as “trust” not anything else. As in, i need to use it but some common failure inside breaks on me, thats all. Thank you.

Like we have all heard, or at least i have, of certain new made guns that are great or reliable IF you replace such n such part thats not well made or designed. I wont go into detail on the ones im thinking of because they dont fit the line of this forum.
Got it, just seemed a odd way to express it unless you were talking SD. Of course doing so is anyone's right but not what I think is a good decision sans no other choice.

I have done some deep diving on the subject and it was most illuminating.
I'm still pretty new to black powder and bought a Pietta Sheriffs model of the 1858 Remington in 44 and was quite surprised the force it put on the steel gongs at the range.
My Lyman-imported 1858 is an Uberti, but was made in 1971 so the quality may/may not have changed over the years. 100% *mechanically* reliable. IE, cylinder always rotates when I cock the hammer, hammer always falls and smacks with authority when I pull the trigger, etc.

Chemically reliable (caps going off, powder igniting) not enough that I would choose one for carry unless otherwise restricted in some way or if no better options were available. In fact, I would probably be happier/more confident in a sawed off SxS percussion shotgun and maybe a .45 or .50 single shot pistol or two.... maybe a big knife or small sword....
I walked around San Juan Puerto Rico with a long screwdriver! My friend had a walking stick. We just smiled and waved at the comments in Spanish from the cars going by.

My wife had a 76 ASP she gave me, very slick action but the bolt was a bit out of time. Fixed that in a bit of pure lucky.
I would disassemble and clean and polish the lock works and also the hammer face, as detailed by multiple YouTube videos. (the best probably by duelist1954 if you care to search for his channel).
I would certainly rather have a Uberti 1858, or Pietta 1858, for defense than no gun at all. I own both and love them, but if given a choice I’ll choose a 12 ga pump or my .45 ACP to protect my life. But if I or you don’t have a choice, then yes, a well maintained, properly loaded 1858 with good caps is a man stopper for sure.
Well said.
My experience with Uberti has been with their SAA clones and I like them a lot... so much so if I get another 1858 it will be a Uberti.