Ky Bill said:
...Just what did they do in 1858 ? they were not sitting in a controlled environment.
In 1858 they didn't have the gun because it wasn't made until 1861.
The revolver your gun is based on is called a 1858 because that is the Patent date.
As far as we know, the people back in those days loaded their pistols with a full powder load with the ball directly on it.
According to the Colt loading instructions that came with his cap and ball pistols, no mention of a wad or of grease over the ball was made.
Yes, a lot of shooters like using greased wads under the ball to help reduce the chance of a chain fire and to keep the ball closer to the face of the cylinder but, in my opinion these are not really needed and they do add to the cost of shooting the gun.
For right now, I suggest that you just use the (powder, ball, grease) method and enjoy your gun.
When you get to the point that your trying to put all of the shots thru one hole, then worry about fillers and wads. :thumbsup: