The 1st September see the start of the lowland game season for partridge, woodcock, duck and geese , hopefully it will be better than the upland grouse season which opened on the 12th August with most moors not shooting this year due to disease and the lack of birds. The main sport of partridge shooting is with red leg partridges , the grey partridge is the UK common one but have declined in vast numbers becoming almost extinct in some parts mostly due to modern farming. Woodcock have in most parts faired well but still not in the numbers of 40 years ago foreign birds that emigrate from Europe on the November full moon help to make up the numbers but many estates do not shoot them Ducks and geese have done well more so the Canada geese with some good size skeins flying to and fro to the feeding grounds , which mostly at this time of the year are the barley and oat stubbles.