Eric Krewson said:
A great friend gave me my first longrifle when he was diagnosed with terminal cancer. Not knowing anything about muzzloaders beyond TC I thought it was a work of art.
I took it to a gunsmith friend to show it off and the first thing he said was "who ever made this didn't know what they were doing", really hurt my feelings at the time.
The rifle peaked my interest with its Bob Roller lock and Bill Large barrel and one ragged hole groups at 50yds.
Sold all of my TC stuff and used this rifle exclusively, lots of deer died in front of it.
I soon wanted to build my own rifle and started the process by in depth study of styles, originals and contemporary rifles.
I quickly found out that my gunsmith friend's evaluation was correct about my rifle. Nothing on my rifle was properly fit, shaped or inletted(lots of accuglass) but it had the finest piece of maple I have ever seen on a gun, to the untrained eye was something special indeed.
As I became more accomplished as a builder I thought about reworking the rifle my friend gave me but realized just how special it is and will never touch it. I love it just like it is, warts and all. A big doe took a dirt nap in front of it just his year.
Bottom line, you your rifle is a mess just like mine is, that said, you probably have a fine rifle to enjoy, warts and all.
Although you took it personally just like I did years ago, the guys were just telling you the truth.
No, no. I took it as irrelevant and superfluous commentary. Why? Because it is both. The commentary on the rifle qua build has nothing to do with where it may have come from unless used as a background for framing their reasoning, in which case sharing it is STILL superfluous. Telling me it is poorly crafted does not have any value. I asked where it may have come from, I think I got almost as many answers as posters, from a Traditions kit rifle to whatever, a few even decided to tell me what was wrong with it. I don't care about that. I just wondered if anyone here might have some insight as to who made it or where it came from. The answer is evidently, "no". As for telling me the rifle looks like complete garbage:
1) No, it does not look like complete garbage
2) It has no relevance as to your knowledge of who might have made it.
Why is "2)" true? If one wants to simply reduce the field of possible makers by telling me that mine looks like garbage and how poorly it has been crafted, thus no reputable makers made it, then one has no de facto answer to offer. Pass my thread by. Nothing bad will happen to you, just pass it by. Simple.
Many years ago, I bought an OM Ruger in .44 Mag, the tolerances were rather sloppy and overall it was ragged but it has pole-axed more four legged critters than one could imagine. I see clowns telling me how sloppy it is and how wonderful custom revolvers are. . . uh-huh. I like my ragged OM just fine. Does that mean I am ignorant of its limitations or that I need those clowns to tell its faults? No, I am well aware of them. It's fine, as I have many myself. I can see this gun's faults, they are legion. I do not need or require them to be pointed out in a thread where I ask a very different question.
I think I may be in the wrong place. Sad, because I got a couple of nice private messages. I suppose I poorly express myself or many think my notions are anathema. Oh well. . .
I apologize for the sarcasm but not the message.