We know that the meat we eat has the flavor it does because of what the animal is fed. Change the feed and the flavor of the meat changes also.
SO — this "Franken-meat" will either have very little taste at all, or will taste of the chemicals and gases used when it is cultivated.
If that is so, then the maker will have to add artificial flavor (chemicals) to make it palatable.
While they are doing that, they will not be able to resist the temptation to "improve" the product by adding certain healthful ingredients like insect protein.
Not very long ago, we were advised to eat a natural diet and to stay away from processed foods and artificial flavorings.
I guess now it's "Never mind..."
Meanwhile, in the Homes of the Rich and Famous — they will be eating filet mignon, lobster, grouse and pheasant from
farms and hunting preserves that we the peasants are not supposed to know about.