Roundball, I think that was the name of the company....they clean pretty well...of course, my wife keeps handing me perfectly good Tee shirts that she says I need to throw I tend to have a good supply of underwear patches closer to home.
Speaking of the stuff you soak the patches in, what is TC#13? And, when I bought the two lymans last year, each came packaged with some stuff called "bore bright"...provided my MidSouth Shooters supply, I think, not Lyman. Since I have complete faith that some day I'll find the perfect Magic Mouse Pee to clean with, I tried the stuff...on the plus side, it works exactly as advertised, 3 soaked patches, followed by two dry ones, followed by the one to put on preservative....on the negative side, I spilled a little off the patch the first time I used it, and found it works pretty good as a finish remover...I hate to take the bbl out to clean, but now I do...Hank