Velocity testing part one: Fg vs FFg vs FFFg

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Well of course no one weighs charges. So if you stay with the same size volume for all 3 powders it's a no brained more fffg will be in the measure than ffg.

So the only way to test accurately if fffg has higher velocity than ffg is to compare them by weight.
I don't believe Megasupermagnum's intention was just to test which powder produces the greatest velocity when the same actual weight of the powder was kept constant. If that was what he was after then you would be right. The exact, same amount of actual weight would be needed.

I think what he was testing was , what difference a person out hunting, and measuring the powder load with a single volumetric powder measure would see if he/she switched the fineness of the powder that was being loaded. He did a good job if that is what he was after.
Interesting results. Convinces me when I go get supplies this week, I'll go with FFFg powder. I'm not looking at long distance shooting, but I want as much speed as I can get shooting flying birds that dont give me straight away shots. Shot going 1100 to 1200 fps is what I currently get out of my modern SxS guns.
I know many hundreds of people that weigh every powder charge. I have weighed powder charges for competition shooting. I use a digital scale for the measurements. N-SSA shooters weigh all of their loads.

I'm a hunter, so will not claim to be in the know about various historical events, but N-SSA is a reenactors association correct? Why on earth would you weigh a powder charge for a blank?
N-SSA is a dedicated group of skirmishers. Re-enactors fire blanks, skirmishers fire minie ball at many different types of targets in timed events. Re-enactors face each other in simulated battles, firing blank charges. Skirmishers face target boards and send lead down range. Cannons are fired at targets with good results. Imagine, if you can, more than 600 rifles all being fired at once.
I'm a hunter, so will not claim to be in the know about various historical events, but N-SSA is a reenactors association correct? Why on earth would you weigh a powder charge for a blank?

You need enough powder to get a good bang consistently and not waste powder by using to much. I reenacted for years and had arrived at charges that worked well in my rifle and musket. These were premade and carried in my cartridge box or hunting pouch.
I find those results very interesting but not surprising. I've yet to try chronographing shot but have chronographed round ball in my 20 ga smoothbore. I've had great shooting with 3F and also with 2F. 70 grains of 3F and a .600" prb gave 1368 fps and an sd of 19. Using a bare ball the sd was 15. I believe this goes to show how various barrels give widely different numbers. Of course mine is a .62 and yours was a much larger bore and that also makes a major difference.
The type of wads also make a major difference. I use nothing but 1/8 inch leather wads I cut myself that are slightly over bore size for the OP wads and 3/8 inch dense 100% wool felt wads lubed in olive oil and beeswax for the cushion wads. I get excellent patterns out to 40 yards using 70 grains 3Fg Swiss and Olde Eynsford with 1 oz of shot. I average 1121 FPS 3 feet from the muzzle.
Bad news today. I tried to do my wad testing today, but I couldn't get consistent numbers. It was a bluebird clear sky today, and very sunny. The range was busy, so I could not set up in a better spot. I took about 30 shots before I gave up. Hopefully I'll be able to get back out another day with a new battery, and hopefully get better results.

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