While sitting on my deer stand, the thought arose as to why so few fawns, if any, were seen the last few seasons. This season I saw mainly adult does in pairs but no fawns. Seeing a "first time" doe has a single fawn and thereafter has at least 2 or 3 fawns.... why the lack of fawns? While registering some deer at the local tavern, I asked some local hunters this same question and their response was that the pack of 11 timber wolves {DNR tally from the air} in our area needs an awful lot of meat to survive. In addition, coyotes and black bears possibly crop some fawns, but these were present in good numbers when a lot of fawns were seen in years past, so are a minimal threat to fawns. I like to hear the wolves howl and don't wish for their annihilation but on the other hand, how long can this local deer herd survive w/o fawn survival? Quite a few valuable bear dogs have been killed by wolves either during the training seesions or the actual hunts. I don't think our area is an exception and seeing the wolves are flourishing and moving south in Wisconsin, some sort of control is in order. This is a reversal of my thinking asre wolves, but not controlling them will surely cause trouble for the deer herd but also for the wolves themselves....Fred